As much as offices try to save the planet by conserving paper use, many companies spend a good deal of money printing documents daily. In an effort to help those companies cut back on paper and printing expenses, Adobe has created new software called LeanPrint. Essentially, this software allows companies to use less toner and less paper when operating in certain modes. Adobe has started to distribute the newly developed LeanPrint software across the United States already, and it’s fair to say that this new product is making a lot of business owners very happy.
What can this software do for you? Here are some reasons why you might want to take a very close look at Adobe’s latest planet (and budget) saving software.
Forty Percent is a Big Deal
Adobe estimates that the new LeanPrint software can save the average company nearly 40% on printing expenses (these expenses include paper, toner, and ink). For most companies, large or small, saving forty percent on necessary daily expenses is a huge deal – heck, saving any amount of money is a big deal. But, Adobe isn’t reserving this cost-effective software for business use. LeanPrint is also available for home use, so you might want to check out Adobe’s latest and greatest if you happen to print a lot of stuff at home.
What’s so great about Adobe’s LeanPrint as compared to other cost-effective printing programs? Essentially, Adobe’s program is a bit more effective. Adobe teamed up with Toshiba on this one, and the result is a program that really does cut costs. When the program is set in “Super Saver” mode, an office printer will use fewer pages. If LeanPrint is put into “Toner Saver,” the amount of toner that a printer uses will be cut back. Of course, this spells bad news for printer companies that like to sell lots of ink and toner, but it’s excellent news for businesses (and for those who invest in Adobe).
Still Printing Documents?
It seems slightly strange to be talking of reducing printing costs in this day and age. After all, the invention of the tablet alone has to have cut back on the amount of paper, toner, and ink the average office uses. However, there’s still a large market for printers, printing paper, and ink. In fact, many offices still print a lot of documents, so it’s easy to see why Adobe has such a large market to sell this new software too.
If you happen to be a casual investor, I’d place my money on Adobe and pull out of any printing companies that you might be into. According to the tech blog BoingBoing, HP (one of the biggest printing companies out there) reported a 7% decline in first quarter earnings, and that’s a decent decline. What will become of printers and printing companies with planet (and pocket) saving companies like Adobe around? It seems like those companies that rely on printer and ink sales may soon have to start creating other devices…there’s always room in the tablet field, folks!