What do you do once you have a great idea? You can try to pitch that idea to investors or attempt to create a product that you can sell or you can do nothing at all, as most people do. Figuring out what to do with an idea once you come up with one is the hardest part of turning a thought into something tangible. Harder still is making sure that the idea you have is a good one and that your product has been thought about from every angle.
This is where the website AHHHA comes into play. This site was created for inventors who want to talk about, share, and find ideas for a new product or other type of invention. With AHHHA, you can tell the world about the idea that you have and see whether or not your idea has any flaws. Not only is AHHHA a great place to go if you have an idea, it’s also a great step to take before sinking a whole lot of money into a mediocre idea.
Before Emptying Your Savings Account…
There’s nothing wrong with inventing something new, nothing wrong at all. Entrepreneurs pop up every day and the world is full of people who have excellent ideas that eventually turn into profitable products. However, sometimes ideas are really that great, but nobody around you will tell you the truth of the matter. Were you to post, for example, that idea on the AHHHA website and ask other inventors what they thought of your product, you might find that your idea needs a lot of work.
On the flip side, you may just find out that your idea really is great. In this case, those who are part of the AHHHA community will provide you with much needed insight concerning your product. You will find out what other people think of your product, learn how to jump over business hurdles you might have come across, and simply converse with people who share your enthusiasm for invention.
Success So Far
AHHHA is a relatively new website that has already worked wonders for four entrepreneurs. The four videos that are currently posted on the website showcase the stories of four people with ideas who used AHHHA to their advantage. If you watch the videos, you will see how each person who pitched an idea to the AHHHA community learned to overcome problems, find solutions, and gain different perspectives and ideas concerning a new invention.
As long as you have your patents in order, AHHHA looks like a great place to communicate with other inventors, share ideas, and learn how to turn your idea into something real. Right now, you can browse ideas, shop for ideas that have turned into products, and post your idea on the AHHHA forum. If you happen to be an investor who’s looking for the next big thing, take a look at some of the ideas listed on AHHHA – chances are that most of the entrepreneurs are looking for some Angels to drop by!