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  • Alice.com: Your Own Personal Shopper
Technology Articles > Software > Home & Hobby > Alice.com: Your Own Personal Shopper

Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have constantly shop for household items? Wouldn’t it be even better if you had someone to remind you when you were about to run out of those items? Well, Alice.com aims to be your constant reminder and personal shopper all rolled into one convenient website. This new site has been reviewed by the likes of Forbes, CNN, the NY Times and various other media outlets for good reason: Alice.com might be the one website that changes your life this year.

What’s the big deal? Alice.com lets you shop for products directly from the manufacturer (no middle man involved here), but it does more than that too. This website will also comparison shop for you (more in a moment). Essentially, everything that you hate about shopping for those boring items will disappear when you use this site. Sound like a dream come true? Here’s why you might want to take a close look at Alice.com.

What the Site Offers Consumers

The developers behind Alice.com know that most people these days are very busy. Further, most people today don’t want to spend too much money on everyday items like toilet paper and tissues. Yet, these items are a necessity in most households. So Alice.com combines shopping for the items that you need (by proving the site with your shopping list) with searching for the best prices and even reminding you when a product that you purchased is about to run out.
After providing the site with your weekly grocery list, Alice.com will scour the Internet looking for the best coupons, deals, and sale sites.

Once that’s done, consumers will be given a list of deals and products to select from. It is also possible to set up Alice.com to remind you when you should purchase new items (the whole process will begin again), so that you can always have the items that you need in-stock. This site also offers free shipping, so it’s pretty hard to beat what you’ll find on Alice.com by shopping other sites.

Signing Up

Going through the Alice.com sign up process is simple too. All you have to do is enter some basic information (household size, email, birthday, and other details), and you will be ready to set up your free Alice.com account. Alice.com is completely free to use, but you can cancel your membership at any time if you decide that this site won’t work for you. Right now, the site has plenty of products available (mostly popular products) and (after checking around) the site does pull up some of the best deals available.

Alice.com is a relatively new website, so you can expect additional products to appear on the site within the next few months. If you find that you are too busy to remember to replenish the laundry soap or you’re always running to the convenience store for over-priced toilet paper, Alice.com might be the thing that you need in your life. Check out what Alice has to offer by visiting the website at: www.alice.com.