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  • All About AppleCare
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Is your eye on that new iPhone 5? If it is, you may be wondering all about AppleCare. AppleCare is Apple’s answer to the fragility of the iPhone. As an iPhone user who’s cracked her phone more than once, I have to say that it makes good sense for Apple to create such a plan. It may also make decent sense for consumers to purchase an AppleCare plan – a lot more sense than, say, a Best Buy plan. But, just what does AppleCare cover and how much will it actually cost you? Here are the AppleCare details – just in case you are curious.

Drop, Crack, or Break

The iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S were fragile phones. The iPhone 5 is thinner than its predecessors. Therefore, logic dictates that the iPhone 5 will be even more fragile. If you’re thinking: “uh-oh!” you might not be wrong. You shouldn’t let this little bit of knowledge deter you from buying the new iPhone though. Apple will make sure that your phone is covered if you drop it in water, crack it on cement, or manage to damage it in any other way – for a fee.

AppleCare costs roughly $99 for a two-year period. This plan doesn’t guarantee a free phone though. If you bring your broken phone to an Apple store near you, that store will replace your phone for a $50 fee, up to two times. Fifty bucks might seem like a lot to spend when you’re already paying close to $100 for a plan, but consider the cost of actually buying a new phone, which is what you’ll have to do if you don’t have the AppleCare plan. Take it from a girl who’s already had to replace her phone for the full amount, the AppleCare plan is really your best protection against cracking your new phone – and that, my friends, is inevitable.

Other Options

There are other care and warranty options available. One of those options is to buy a warranty or replacement plan from a local electronics store. I’m going to stop you right there – don’t buy that replacement plan, it’s not worth it. Further, that store won’t cover anything that doesn’t fit into the many hundreds of fine printed lines that go along with your original contract. You have one additional option: buy a rugged weather and waterproof case for your phone. There are lots of cases out there that will protect your phone rain or shine.

Keep in mind that when Apple comes out with the iPhone 6, your iPhone 5 will fetch a fair price if that phone is in great shape. But, great shape means no cracks, dings, broken buttons, water damage, or anything else. So, if you have a plan to keep selling your iPhones as you buy them, make sure to purchase AppleCare or to buy a rugged case. Otherwise, you will have to spring for a brand new phone, and that’s just not economically sound. You can buy an AppleCare plan directly from the Apple store or through your local Apple store when you walk in to buy your new iPhone – this is one plan that’s not a scam!