Google’s next Android operating system has been released to developers for beta testing. The new mobile operating system is called Android-N, and there are quite a few differences. Here’s what is known so far about the new OS.
Split Screens
One of the things that is most exciting about Android-N is the split screen option that Google has created. Android-N’s split screen multitasking feature allows users to split a mobile screen in half in order to do two things at once. This would be the first operating system to allow for a mobile split screen.
Inside of the split screen feature is something Google is calling Multi-View, which allows users to open and use two apps at the same time. App split screen functions have been developed by Samsung previously, but this is a first for Google.
The way that users can split the screen when using an app is also unique. Users can either split the screen top to bottom or side to side depending on viewer preference.
Faster Apps
Another feature of Android-N is a faster app switching option. Users will be able to double tap on the recently used apps button to quickly pull up a previously used app. This will make it much faster to switch between apps - something most users will really appreciate.
Sleep Better Too
In the past few months, numerous studies have been published that link smartphone light to keeping people awake at night. This is something that Google aims to fix. The new Android-N will also come with a night mode that blocks blue wavelengths of light from seeping into your bedroom. So you can still set your alarm clock on your phone and send emails in the middle of the night without being truly bothered by that really bright light.
This is an all around nice feature that shows just how much Google took users into consideration when creating Android-N.
App Notifications
Another great feature of Android-N is that this OS groups messages from one app together, so users can read through those messages and then quickly respond or dismiss each one. Grouping app messages together makes it simpler to read and respond to messages.
The Best for Last
The last feature worthy of note with Android-N is the extended battery life feature. Google users will now have more battery life. Phones will be switched to a lower power state when not in direct use, which will immediately reduce the amount of battery power being used at one given time.
All Around Great
Google usually waits until May to allow developers to play around with a new operating system, but this time around the company wants to give developers more time to test the system. That’s why the new OS has already been released for testing. Regular Android users will have to wait to test out Android-N, but that wait will likely be very worth it. From the sounds of it, the new Google OS will be great and very useful.