Some people were born with great taste in music. Other people have the worst taste in music imaginable. If you have bad taste in music (and you know it), don’t make your guests suffer by setting up a playlist that’s painful to hear. Instead, allow your friends to add songs to your current playlist by downloading the Anthm app. Anthm is a new and very cool app for iOS that you’re sure to get a lot of use out of. Here’s how Anthm works (and why you should get it!).
Everyone Contributes to the Anthm Party
Let’s say that you are having a party. You plug your iPhone into your speakers and let you playlist run using Anthm. Assuming that your friends who are attending your party have also downloaded Anthm (and have an iPhone), your friends can then set up their own playlists and contribute to the songs being played. As a collective group, you and all of your friends can then vote for a song to be played sooner or kick a song off of the list.
You can do all of this while across the room. All you need to have is the Anthm app to get started. According to the video on the Anthm website, there are plenty of great tracks to choose from when setting up an Anthm playlist. Not only can everyone at a party keep the good tunes rolling, but you can also make all of your guests happy by setting up a playlist that everyone you know will enjoy, love, and contribute to – kind of like a modern day Jukebox. There aren’t many reasons why Anthm won’t work (unless your friends don’t have iPhone or the Anthm app). Of course, there’s the matter of hosting a party that consists of lots of people staring at their smartphones, but that’s another problem.
Set Up and Download
Anthm is free to download from the App Store. When setting up this app, there were no problems downloading it and getting started (you can even view a short video if you are confused). Immediately, I was able to see one other “party” happening on Anthem when I downloaded the app. The app then offered me the choice to rate the song list that someone else had added or to add my own “party” (song list). Remember that people can rate your party, so try to keep the songs that you select interesting.
The fact that Anthm allows you to scope out other play lists is an interesting addition. This way, you can play songs that you don’t already know about by listening to what other people have added to their play lists. It’s easy to see how this app can help people discover music while also sharing music with friends and family members who use the app. In many ways, Anthm reminds me of, only in app form.
If you’re itching to discover new music or share some tunes that you love with people around you, Anthm is a great app to discover. In addition, you can make sure that your next party if full of great sounds when you pull songs from your own lists, other people’s lists, and let you friends add songs to their own lists too – let the music begin!