Apple made some updates to the MacBook Pro with Retina and the 13-inch MacBook Air. The company also dropped the price of the 256GB MacBook Pro to $1399. The 13-inch Air also has a new $1499 price tag.
The 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro now comes with a new 2.6 GHz processor, and the 15-inch version now has a new 2.4 and 2.7GHz processor with 16GB of memory. Apple’s new pricing allows consumers to purchase a Retina MacBook Pro that comes with better specs for less.
The 13-inch MacBook Air still comes with 4GB of memory, a 246GB SSD, and a 1.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor, but now comes with a deep $100 price drop. There are two reasons why Apple tends to shake things up by dropping prices and adding new specs.
The first is that Apple will be making a bit announcement sometime within the next few months. The second is to take some of the shine off of new competition. In this case, that competition is the Microsoft Surface.
How to Surface Stacks Up
Does Apple have anything to worry about when it comes to consumer demand for the Surface? Microsoft’s Surface has gained a lot of press. But, reviewers have also found that the Surface isn’t all its stacked up to be. Some review sites have found that the Surface is hard to repair and doesn’t stack up to the iPad very well.
So why is Apple dropping prices? To take the attention away from the Surface, of course. The more people are paying attention to the Surface, the less attention Apple is gaining from consumers.
Apple’s MacBook Pro with Retina and MacBook Air price drops are just what consumers seeking to purchase one of these devices have been waiting for. Apple has also shifted around SSD prices. Apple dropped prices on the 768GB SSD $300, and $200 on the 512GB SSD.
Apple told press that CEO Tim Cook would be working on lowering these prices, and it looks like the company has made good on that claim. Whether you are in the market for a new MacBook or looking to add to your old MacBook, now is the time to buy. Apple doesn’t drop prices frequently, so keep that in mind.
In the Future
As far as what Apple is working on now, there are some rumors circulating. Likely, Apple will be unveiling a new MacBook Pro sometime soon. There are also some rumors that Apple is working on a watch of sorts, though this rumor has yet to be confirmed. As mentioned, Apple doesn’t usually drop prices and change things around without good reason. That good reason may very well be that the company has better and bigger things in the pipeline. Should you wait to see what Apple is about to launch?
My advice is to grab the MacBook deals while you can. Even if Apple comes out with something new, the current MacBook Pro with Retina and MacBook Air are definitely great products worth purchasing.