The last Battlefield title was released in 2011. Now, a new Battlefield game is here. Battlefield 4 is more intense than Battlefield 3 in every way, and this game comes with a lot of bonuses that you'll love.
What's Worthy Of Note
This game comes with both a mobile and social option that will bring gameplay to the next level for most gamers. As you might have guessed, you can share your stats socially through the 'Battlelog' site. This is a social sharing site that lets gamers chat with friends, challenge friends, and really just become a part of the game on a social level. It's also possible to change character details and play around with maps through the site.
The login is free, and you can access the Battlelog site wherever you are. Everything that you see, do, and record in your Battelog is available via mobile too. So, this really is a game that you can take anywhere. Not bad, right? How about the actual gameplay? Well, if you're looking for intensity and lots of surprises, you'll like what Battlefield 4 has to offer.
Multi and Single Gameplay
Battlefied games are typically best played with a few friends. In fact, this is the one thing that many gamers do not like about the Battlfield games. Battlefield 4 offers a single player option, but it's still not as great as some other solo player games. I'll go ahead and say it: this is still a multi-player game despite changes.
Compatibility With New Consoles
Battlefield 4 was designed and created for new consoles. This game will blow your mind with graphics, and it's the perfect way to test out the console you plan to buy this upcoming holiday season. In fact, Battlefield 4 is the game you want to purchase to go along with whatever console you purchase as a gift this year - if the person you're shopping for is into multi-player games.
That said, PCs that lag behind where graphics cards are concerned aren't optimal for this game. You'll want a top-notch PC or a console that rocks if you plan to get the most out of this title. Game developers have told press that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are the consoles of choice for this game, so that's something to keep in mind (and it won't cost you as much as buying a new top PC!).
Availability and Pricing
Battlefield 4 is out today for $69.99. That may seem like a high price to pay for a game, but it's actually on-par with most games in its class (and this one takes the cake where graphics are concerned). You can order the game directly from EA or through other retailers.
If you're in the market for a new console, want a game that rocks, and are ready to spend hours playing with your friends, Battelfield 4 is for you. If you're thinking of a solo gaming adventure, this may not be the absolute best option.
Are you going to buy Battlefield 4?