Streaming versus paid downloads, which type of music service is better? If you ask Jimmy Iovine (co-founder of Beats), he’s putting his money on streaming services. The Verge has just released a report that Beats (manufacturers of top-quality headphones) might be unleashing a streaming music service very soon. According to the Verge article, those behind the headphone company don’t think that current streaming music services are living up to their full potential.
This news comes on the tail of other news that Beats has purchased MOG (an online music sharing community). The news is also interesting (as The Verge points out) due to the fact that HTC owns a large chunk of Beats (51%, to be exact). Seemingly, HTC wants Beats to get into the streaming music business, but is this a good move? Are streaming music platforms picking up speed or simply slowing down?
The Streaming VS. Download Debate
Streaming music was all the rage when it first appeared on the scene. Up until that point, downloading music was the only option (mostly from iTunes). Streaming seemed like a great idea until quite a few streaming services fell short of consumer expectations. Download sites, on the other hand, allowed consumers to pay per song, which also seemed like a great idea. But both streaming services and download services lack in some respects. Can Beats make the streaming service better or will whatever service the headphone company comes up with be added to the mediocre group?
Beats isn’t saying what the company plans to do in order to revolutionize streaming music. Some estimate that the company is remaining quiet in order to keep secrets guarded while others are boldly stating that the company doesn’t actually have anything unusual or new up its sleeve, that the news is a lot of talk. There’s no word yet as to when Beats plans to roll out the new service either, though I’m guessing that it will come around just in time for the summer season. Right now, many people around the world are still using the iTunes platform to download music, though streaming might pick up popularity-wise within the near future.
What’s Your Take?
Beats headphones are some of the best going (even if many are opposed to the Monster connection that Beats currently has), and other headphone companies do try to keep up with what Beats is putting out. But, does the fact that this company can create some pretty impressive cans have any bearing on whether or not Beats can also impress streaming-wise? Right now, it’s really hard to tell what the company plans to do or whether it will succeed. Heck, it’s hard to tell whether or not Beats has any real plans at all.
Still, I’m curious, what do you think about Beats’ plans to create a new streaming platform that’s better than all the rest? Are you on the streaming or download side of things and will Beats be able to create a streaming platform that’s simply too hard to pass up?