Try as you might, you’re not going to have any luck avoiding seeing lots and lots of headlines about the new Google Nexus 7 Tablet. This tablet has been making news since the idea of the tablet was formulated. Now that the tablets are ready to ship (and some sites are reporting that a few tablets have already shipped!), avoiding any talk of the tablet is impossible. If you plan on getting your hands on a Nexus 7, you might want to consider the following apps that just happen to look especially great on the new Google offering.
Dropbox – Always Killing It
If there’s one file-sharing program out there that the whole world now knows about (and talks about often), it’s Dropbox. So, it’s no surprise that the Dropbox team has kept the momentum going by creating a Nexus 7 app that just rocks. What’s so great about the Dropbox app? Well, for starters, Dropbox has considered the Nexus 7 platform as an entirely different device from all the other tablets on the market – and, believe me, that’s really saying something.
The Dropbox for Nexus 7 app is clean, smooth, and really set up for this tablet. This app includes video streaming options and a new upload notification feature. When you take a look at this app, you’ll know why Dropbox is still the top file-sharing contender. Dropbox offers up to 2GB of free storage – which should be more than enough for your tablet needs.
Mint – Still the Go To Budget Tool
Mint is another free app that’s really shining on the new Nexus 7 tablet. For some time now, Mint has remained the top budget-based app to use, and Mint is simple to use as well. In case you aren’t familiar with Mint, this is a budget-tracking app that really works well. In the Nexus 7 version, the Mint app comes with plenty of great visuals (charts and graphs) in addition to a new feature that lets users track and change budget numbers directly from the app. Yep, the Mint team has still got it!
Skype – Talk Is Still Cheap
I’m not going to assume that you don’t know what Skype is, since this service has been around for more than a few years now. But, the Skype for Nexus app is a bit different than previous Skype apps you may be familiar with. Since the Nexus 7 tablet has a built-in mic and a camera that’s actually front facing, the Skype team has taken advantage of this setup and devised an app that just works well. Set up your Skype account and send instant messages and cheap video calls to anyone who uses Skype. What more could you want?
Are You Ready For the Nexus 7?
Now that you know what apps to download on the Nexus 7, are you ready to get your hands on one? As mentioned above, Google has actually shipped some of these tablets to various retailers, and it will only be a matter of days before you can buy one. As far as the price goes, the Nexus 7 will cost around $157.