Searching for flight, tickets, and hotel prices is headache inducing. Seemingly, all of the travel sites have the same basic layout, confusing interface, and jumbled information. Travelers really have to pick through thousands of offerings to come up with a deal that is even worth considering.
Bing hopes to change the way that people find travel deals. To do this, Bing has created a travel search engine like none other. Instead of just searching for travel sites, Bing actually digests (if you will) the information that these sites have to offer. Then, Bing presents all travel details nicely and neatly, so that you don’t catch a case of Vertigo from staring at tiny text too long.
Bing Interface
If there’s one thing that Bing gets, it’s that people don’t like clutter. Clutter causes frustrating and squinting – two things that travelers can live without. That’s why Bing has created a travel sites that’s easy to navigate. What’s more, you won’t have to spend hours trying to locate important information when you use Bing Travel.
In addition to an intelligent interface, Bing presents users with clear information. These details (such as price, ratings, and reviews) can easily turn hours of endless searching into a fun way to find out about any destination. In short, Bing Travel is intelligent.
Price Predictor: A Very Useful Tool
You may have heard that Tuesdays are the best days to buy plane tickets. Then again, you might have heard that Mondays are best. Some people buy last minute hope to save a buck, while other people buy way in advance. The truth behind all of these theories is that most people don’t actually know when to buy tickets.
Sure, there are times that are better, and cheaper, than others, but how can you tell? Waiting around to buy a ticket could cost you a lot of money. Bing has taken this perplexing situation into consideration. A handy tool called the Bing Price Predictor will tell you when you should buy your tickets. If you look for a ticket to Cozumel today, for example, Bing may suggest that you look for a ticket next week instead. You don’t have to follow this advice, but why not?
Local Searches
Far away destinations are great if you have the time and money. Then again, destinations nearby you may offer a world of excitement. Bing allows you to search for any local destination as well as any distance destination. If you want to find a restaurant or attraction in your town, simply use Bing’s local search tool.
You’ll be presented with ratings and reviews in addition to hotel and other suggestions. When all is said and done, Bing Travel is a convenient tool that will benefit many people. Some may find it hard to access all of Bing’s travel tools right away, but the tools are in place. All you have to do is take some time to tour Bing. Chances are that you will find, like many others before you, an array of excellent travel tools that are unlike those offered by Kayak and other travel sites.