Facebook users have had mixed feelings about the new timeline format. Some are enjoying Facebook’s evolution while others want the old Facebook format back. Even though Facebook’s new timeline has been live for regular users for some time now, brands were cut out of the new timeline format – until now. At present, brands can now take advantage of Facebook’s new timeline feature, and there are plenty of reasons why all brands should take a few moments to set up a new timeline page.
Logo Potential
The new Facebook timeline is really all about showing off photos. Brands can place large and catchy logos at the top of a timeline page (check out NYC’s Magnolia Bakery page for a mouth-watering example!). Additional photos and logos can be added throughout the timeline, and this really works well for any company selling things that are nice to look at.
Not only does the new Facebook timeline for brands provide retailers with lots of colorful logo and photo space, but the new timeline presents the perfect way for companies to let consumers know all about a brand – after all, that’s the whole point of a timeline, right?
A Bit of Storytelling
Timelines, of any kind, are all about telling a story. As avid Facebook users found out by setting up their own timelines, it’s simple to let the world know about any major event simply by placing the event on a timeline. Well, brands can now do the same thing. Using Magnolia Bakery as an example again, this bakery’s timeline lists events such as the day that the bakery opened (July, 1996), when the company first offered international shipping (January 3rd) , and lots of delicious looking photos to accompany events such as “cupcake of the day.” Simply by strolling through Magnolia’s Facebook page, you can find out all about this company, learn what kinds of treats the bakery is offering today, and see why this bakery is one of the best around.
Magnolia Bakery provides a great example of how companies of all sizes, selling all kinds of products, can reach out and connect with consumers. By showcasing photos, telling fans about a company’s history, and allowing users to comment on any post, Facebook timelines are a great way to reach out to customers all around the world. If you have a chance (and want a good example to follow), make sure to check out what Magnolia Bakery has done with its Facebook timeline page.
Even if your company isn’t quite as big as the Magnolia Bakery is, you can still create an awesome Facebook timeline page. Really, it’s just a matter of adding some events, a few photos, and some other interesting details. Keep in mind that Facebook timelines really are visual, so try to choose a large photo (for the biggest photo space) that really represents your company. From there, just start adding events. Needless to say, the addition of the Facebook timeline for brands is just one more way that you can reach out to your social network.