With apps and sites like Twitter, consumers now have more power than ever before. Using these resources, consumers often research products before buying any product. This means that brands have to be on their toes constantly – not a bad thing. The only problem is that it’s tough for brands to keep up with savvy consumers. In order to do so, brands must have a social media presensce on top of understanding exactly what consumers want – right now. This is where the website Crowdtap comes into play.
To some, Crowdtap is a type of social network. To marketers, Crowdtap is a way to directly “tap” into any crowd. What’s more, consumers are actually rewarded for their time when using this website. Rewards come in many different fashions, and, thus far, Crowdtap is proving to be a massive hit with consumers across the board. Curious about Crowdtap? Here’s how it works from both angles.
The Consumer Side
As a consumer, you hold a lot of power over marketers. Without consumers, brands simply can’t exist. Further, without interested consumers who spread the word about a brand, companies won’t be able to succeed. Therefore, consumer intelligence is the number one thing that any company or brand needs to pay attention to above and beyond anything else. Without this kind of information, brands simply can’t thrive. Crowdtap provides marketers with information about consumers from the real-time perspective of consumers. In return, consumers get points, which (when totaled) can be cashed in for coupons, discounts, gift cards, or donations to a favorite charity.
On the charity note, Crowdtap will match any dollars earned by consumers. So, if a consumer racks up $10, Crowdtap will send that consumer’s charity of choice $20. Of course, Crowdtap gains all the tax benefits from such a donation, but I suppose that’s beside the point. As it stands, consumers seem to be very happy with the Crowdtap model. By answer brand surveys and becoming an active member of a community, participants are aptly rewarded (and quickly too).
The Marketers Perspective
Marketers win when it comes to Crowdtap. In fact, it’s hard to understand why more marketers aren’t using this service right now. Signing up to use Crowdtap is simple enough, just follow the instructions, and you can create as many surveys, polls, and discussions as you want to. Crowdtap uses a pay-per-use type of model, so you’ll pay as participants reply to your many queries. Really, anything goes when using Crowdtap, and it’s hard to see how any brand won’t benefit from this service.
Now, here’s the part that everyone outside of the United States hates: Crowdtap is only available in the U.S. right now. Once the site is no longer in beta, Crowdtap may just move to other countries. For now, you’ll have to make due with reading about Crowdtap and dreaming of the day when this service comes to your country. If you live in the United States, sign up for this service now – it’s free, and you will gain (if you are a consumer) lots of great coupons just for taking part.