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  • DoSomething.Org: Great For Your Teens
Technology Articles > Software > Communications > DoSomething.Org: Great For Your Teens

Is your teen looking for a summer internship? An internship that doesn't require any kind of involvement from you? Send them to DoSomething.org. This site connects teens with volunteer opportunities that all happen from a teen's text messaging screen. Let me explain:

DoSomething.org's Mission

The founders behind DoSomething.org realized that teens text. Millions of teens around the globe are glued to their phones and text regularly. The non-profit group also realized that text messages spread quickly, and teens are more than happy to share social change messages through texting.

So, DoSomething.org set up a website filled with worthy causes. Causes that kids care about. Causes like creating greener schools, donating clothes to the homeless, and spreading the word about health. When visiting DoSomething.org, teens can choose a cause that they care about. Then, the texting begins.

An Example of A DoSomething.org Cause

Right now, the site is featuring a "Peanut Butter and Jelly Slam" campaign to help fight world hunger. Teens that sign up to be part of this campaign must donate 10 jars of peanut butter, jam, or other food to a community food pantry. Because the teens that participate are part of a larger group, a group that texts and shares together, donations are made in a large way. This site uses the power of teen talk to spread the word about social change.

The teens that sign up for a cause can also benefit from contributing to these causes. The website offers teens opportunities to set up scholarship causes, gain grants, and even gain exclusive tickets or celebrity autographs. These things are all part of an awards program that supports teens seeking to change the world.

No Place for Adults

DoSomething.org has a strict "under 25-years old only" policy. The idea behind this site is to let teens run the show, and to let teens know that they can change the world all on their own. So far, this site is working. To date, DoSomething.org has 1,000,000 teens "texting for good." That's an impressive number.

What if you're an adult and you want to help? Well, you can't sign up to champion a campaign, but the site does hire adults to work on the backend of things. Right now, the site has a job page that lists various jobs adults can apply for, but all of these jobs are on site in NYC. Note: DoSomething.org pretty much has all social media and other remote jobs covered by teens.

Get Your Kid Started Today

DoSomething.org is motivating for teens. It's also a way for any teen to join a very large group of like-minded people, help the world, and add some kind of charitable cause to that college application. Does your teen already spend hours on her phone each day? Why not put those hours to excellent use?

Signing up for a DoSomething.org is free and easy (Facebook login available). Plus, the site offers simple apps that can be downloaded (also for free). Got a teen sitting at home? Put those thumbs to good texting use! Share this site with your teen.