It has been a while since we’ve heard anything about Dropbox or from the Dropbox team. The app is used widely as much now as it ever was, and the Dropbox team has recently added to the usefulness of this tool.
Dropbox Team is here, and as the name suggests the addition to the Dropbox app will make it a lot simpler to use Dropbox when you’re working with a team.
Team Tabs
If you already use Dropbox, you will soon see a “team” tab on the left hand side of your Dropbox screen. When clicking on that tab, you will be better able to coordinate a team project using Dropbox. Any employee or other user that you want to share files with will be able to connect with your Dropbox, so that you can all work on a team project from the same central area.
In addition, Dropbox has listened to user requests asking the company to make separating team and individual files easier. This can now happen thanks to a new feature that makes it easy to create both individual files and team files, so that you can use your Dropbox account for both work and pleasure without either one interacting. Dropbox decided to let users combine accounts since most users already use the same Dropbox account for both work and personal uses.
Moving Towards Business
Dropbox already has a Pro account feature, but the company has conducted polls and found that most people don’t separate business files and personal files. Instead, Dropbox accounts usually become a mishmash of both business and person files making everything more confusing. Since Dropbox has wanted to reel in the business crowd for some time now, finding a quick and simple way for users to combine both business and personal accounts means getting even more users.
Already, Dropbox has around 400 million users. Dropbox has some stiff competition though. The company now has to compete with business cloud storage from Apple, Google, Microsoft and other companies. This means that Dropbox has to find a way to appeal to almost everyone that’s using another service, and helping people separate business from individual files is one of the simplest ways to do so.
Easier Collaboration
The obvious reason that Dropbox is focusing on teamwork is to simplify collaboration. When teams work together using a simple tool like Dropbox, that tool can easily become integrated into the workplace and used widely inside of a company. Right now, many companies feel safer using a cloud storage system offered by Microsoft or Google but that could easily be transitioned over to a company like Dropbox now that it’s simpler to use.
The new team tabs should be in place by the end of this week, and you should see the new tabs if you are already using Dropbox for either work or business. The same rates apply for additional storage at the time of this writing, but those may also change in the near future. Do you use Dropbox for work?