Everyone has come across that one web page. The one that looks interesting but you just don’t have the time to read through it. There are numerous apps to help you out with this problem, but apps come with problems of their own (mostly the problem is that you have to download another app).
There’s a somewhat new game in town to handle that web page issue. Email This is a browser extension that allows you to email any web page to your inbox sans the ads and other irritations that are usually included in a web page. It’s easy to use, it works through your desktop, and it doesn’t include another annoying app to download.
How Email This Works
When you go to the site’s web page, you’ll see a blank space that asks you for your email address (provide your main email because this is where you’ll get all of those web pages you mark and send). From there, the site will ask you to download the ‘bookmarklet’ or extension. Once that’s done, you can start using Email This.
The extension is relatively easy to use. Whenever you see a website that you’d like to bookmark and read at a later time, all you have to do is click on the Email This logo that sits at the top of your screen. Clicking on the logo will send a page to your email. The best part about this extension is that the page that is sent is clean.
A Better Way to Read
Most websites include lots of ads and other annoying factors. When you use Email This, you are simply emailing a clean version of any page to your inbox. From there, you can click on the email and read through the page content without being bothered by any ads at all. As you might imagine, this means that you can read unbothered and in a much quicker way.
The only downside is that reading through a web page without ads might mean reading through a shorter page. Since most sites tend to have lots of ads, the amount of content that’s worth reading might be dismal. If you’ve used other apps that do the same thing (send web pages to your email), you might even find this one simpler to use.
One Click Operation
I would use Email This to read through the Internet - even if I did have the time to read all the pages I want to read. Why? Because it’s simpler and more efficient. I also don’t love navigating complex websites just to read a piece of content. Email This takes away all the pain and struggle from reading stuff on the web.
It’s also fun to use Email This when you’re at work. You know all of those pages you want to read at work but can’t? Just send them to your inbox, read them at lunch, or hunched down at your desk. Voila! Simple reading. Give Email This a shot if you want to read stuff without all the noise. After trying this extension, I plan to keep Email This on my desktop - you never know when you might have to wait for a doctor or other person and need something to read.