Rumors of a Facebook app for the iPad have been circulating for awhile now. Apple was supposed to launch the app a few weeks ago, but the company never got around to doing so – perhaps on account of the loss of Steve Jobs. In any case, the Facebook app for iPad is now here, and there’s a lot that you can do with this app. In fact, some people are enjoying the Facebook for iPad app so much that these people see very little reason to go to the actual Facebook site anymore.
Then again, if you have an iPad, you probably live in an app world. So, what can you expect from the Facebook app? Well, there are some basic changes happening with this app. You can also expect a smooth interface that’s quite impressive to use and to look at. You can also expect to find this app in the Apple App Store right now, though updates are eminent.
How the Facebook App for iPad Looks
Right away, you’ll see that this app is all about photos. You can view large photos, pinch to zoom in on photos, and any photos that appear will appear first in your Facebook stream. You’ll also notice that updates are listed to the left of the screen while small details about your friend list are listed to the right of the screen (much like the current Facebook page itself). If you can’t get enough of those Facebook games, you’ll love what the new app can do for you.
Facebook games are now available in full-screen mode. So, you can view Farmville in full-screen as you watch the minutes pass by. Any game that you enjoy through Facebook also gets the full-screen treatment. The iPad Facebook app also places a large amount of emphasis on video, and users will enjoy HD video in addition to AirPlay. Clearly, this app is not like the other Facebook apps out there, but, then again, nothing that is made for the iPad is ordinary.
Status Updates and other Options
When you begin using the new Facebook app, you’ll note that you can view news in many different ways. A small dropdown screen will allow you to see recent news, older news, or other news as you see fit. If you want to skip those recent updates, just check the appropriate box. The other great thing about this app is the way that your status updates appear.
Small dialogue boxes will float in front of your current Facebook screen when you want to update your status. This makes it clear that your status is being updated, and there’s no chance of making a mistake during the update process. This reviewer likes the way that the Facebook updates are presented. As you scroll through the app, you’ll note small changes, and you will be able to customize this app in almost any way that you like.
Worth the Download
If you have an iPad, and a Facebook account, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t download the new app. It’s been a long time coming, but Apple and Facebook have made this app great for iPad users. From clearly posted photos to video that looks great, there’s not much to complain about when it comes to this new app – other than the fact that the app was largely released without a lot of noise!