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  • Facebook To Rent Movies and TV Shows
Technology Articles > Social Networking > Facebook > Facebook To Rent Movies and TV Shows

Facebook has been doing a lot of interesting things lately. The social networking giant has issued new privacy regulations in order to compete with other social networks, and it’s been working hard to prevent users from heading to other sites such as Google Plus. Now, Facebook is aiming at the popularity of video streaming.

After conducting some research, Facebook execs have discovered that Facebook users enjoy watching videos. So, the next logical step for Facebook was to create a way for users to rent movies and television shows direction from the Facebook platform. Television and movie rentals will be available to Facebook users in the U.S and the U.K within the next week. France and Germany are Facebook’s next video targets.

Big Movie Company Deals

In order to offer users the best movies available, Facebook has made deals with Warner Brothers, Universal, and Paramount. These movie goliaths are set to provide Facebook with some classic films and television shows over the next few months. Videos and television shows can be rented for around $2 per video (depending on the content).

Once rented, users will have thirty days to watch a rented film. If a user begins watching a movie, and then pauses that movie, a forty-eight hour time period will apply. Essentially, the new Facebook streaming service is a lot like a virtual video store with no hope of paying a late fee.

How Will Consumers Respond?

It’s hard to guess how consumers will respond to Facebook’s new venture. On the one hand, consumers who enjoy streaming movies and television shows may gravitate towards Facebook’s new service. On the other hand, there are many other services just like this one out there, and some people pay monthly fees to belong to bigger and better streaming options.

Seemingly, Facebook has done its research and discovered that Facebook users need this new feature. The streaming option may do very well in some countries while not so good in other countries. Either way, only time will tell if Facebook has made the right move by trying to transition into the movie and television world.


Facebook movies and television shows will be available to U. K and U.S users within the next few weeks. Thus far, the service’s biggest movie is the original Kill Bill. Facebook hopes that the popular flick will attract many different Facebook users, though it’s somewhat tough to see the appeal of an older movie such as this one. Of course, renting a movie through Facebook is a lot cheaper than belonging to a membership service or renting from your cable provider, though it depends on how many movies you rent per month.

There’s no doubt about the fact that Facebook seems to be clinging to straws with this new streaming service. While Twitter holds strong in the face of other social networks such as Google Plus, Facebook usage seems to be stagnant these days. Perhaps Facebook’s new privacy options and streaming video feature will help the platform to gain back old users. Then again, it’s entirely possible that Facebook has had its day in the sun.