Ever thought about what your name might look like next to the title "Magazine Baron?" Flipboard may be just the chance you are looking for. Okay, you probably won't become a baron overnight, but you can create a magazine for fellow Flipboard users to search through. How?
Flipboard has updated its iOS app, and now that app allows users to create magazines. While some users are complaining that the flood of new magazines makes the app more convoluted, others complain that designing a Flipboard magazine is too difficult. I take you through the ins and outs below.
Designing a Flipboard Magazine
Just after the newly updated Flipboard launch, a whopping 100,000 new magazines were created. That's right -- 100,000! Does this mean that the app is so popular people couldn't resist updating and using it right away? Maybe. Or, it could be that people just want to voice an opinion that's not yet been heard.
Either way, using the new feature is somewhat difficult. The difficulties are mostly due to the number of clicks it takes to create a magazine. Users have to go through a somewhat complex process in order to create magazines, and this can be time-consuming and frustrating. In other ways, creating a new magazine on Flipboard is kind of like pinning something to Pinterest.
A Slight Curve, But That's All
Once you learn how to add content to your Flipboard magazine, the rest is a piece of cake. Basically, you can add any webpage to your magazine by flipping through news articles and clicking on the '+' sign that appears. After you've added a sufficient amount of material, you can share your magazine or keep it all to yourself.
It does take some getting used to, but the new Flipboard feature is also a lot of fun. How often do you get the chance to create your own magazine, after all? If you think that you can create a publication filled with better content than the stuff you find on newsstands, check out the new Flipboard feature.
Other Details
Most Flipboard users are likely to turn Flipboard magazines into something that resembles Pinterest. Collecting images and adding them to magazines simply for the sake of remembering great articles seems to be the trend here.
Out of those 100,000 new publications, many of them are not public. This means that Flipboard might be onto something in the way of letting users collect articles and store them in the app.
Then again, some apps are best left as they are. Various users may become annoyed at the complexities added by this new feature. For some, a clean app that's also a simple app is the way to go. Either way, though, it's nice to see that Flipboard is creating new features.
The app is popular in the iOS world, and this newest addition seems to be received well by users worldwide. Got an iPhone? Give the new magazine feature a try, and let me know what you think.