That’s right, you can get free money if you use Foursquare on November 26th. American Express is teaming up with Foursquare to bring Amex users a bit of a bonus on Saturday. How does it work? We’ll get to that in a minute. Right now, let’s talk about why American Express is making this offer in the first place. Really, the reasoning behind the free money event is simple.
Every retailer on the planet (so it seems) has some kind of post-Thanksgiving deal happening. Why shouldn’t credit card companies get in on the action? In addition to getting Amex holders to spend a bit of money on a credit card purchase (more on that in a bit), American Express is also working with select retailers to find out who’s shopping at which stores – a bit of clever marketing, if you will. Now, let’s talk about how you can get $25 if you own an American Express card and you plan on shopping on the 26th (if you do, you’re a braver soul than I!).
How the Deal Works
To get the free money that American Express is offering, Amex card holders must first sync their card with their Foursquare account - just head to the Foursquare website for syncing details. Next, Foursquare will present a list of approved merchants on November 26th (this list will not be available before that date).
Foursquare then claims that users must select the “load to cart” option following a Foursquare check-in. After a purchase has been made, the credit will be applied to your account.
American Express has stated that it will take five business days for the credit to appear, but it will show up all the same. If this sounds confusing to you, there are explicit details on the Foursquare homepage that you might want to check out prior to the 26th. If you don’t have a Foursquare account, you can check out American Express’ Facebook page where similar details appear.
A Wise Move
Seemingly, many companies assume that day like the 26th are reserved for businesses that sell actual merchandise. Clearly, this is not the case. American Express has made a very wise move by offering Amex users a reward for shopping on one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
This is a move that other companies might want to take advantage of.
American Express expects the offer to catch quickly amongst Amex users. After all, who doesn’t want free money? Even if you own a small business, you can still take advantage of the 26th.
Keep in mind that plenty of people will be shopping online this year, and that means that you can offer discounts and free items to those who purchase something from your website. Not only is this a wise move, it’s also a great way to gain new clients. Keep in mind, most people will buy something if you offer something else for free (it doesn’t have to be money).
If you don’t have an American Express card, you can’t take advantage of this offer (obviously), but you can check out some other retailers who are offering decent Saturday deals. Plenty of businesses are ready to cash in on one of the biggest shopping days of the year, so keep your eyes peeled for deals that you can’t pass up.