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  • Get Glue App: Watch Out, Nielson
Technology Articles > Cell Phones > iPhone > Get Glue App: Watch Out, Nielson

The Get Glue app for iPhone has been gaining a lot of press lately. Mostly because this app arrive just in time for the new fall television show lineup. In addition, some enjoy what Get Glue has to offer. I’m looking at this app from a whole different angle: one of a critical nature. But, I’m getting ahead of myself, so I’ll explain the app in detail first.

Get Glue is a new(ish) app for iPhone that allows users to check-into television shows, movies, and books in real-time. Users can then chat with other fans of these shows and books, and connect with friends (via social networks) who like the same shows, movies, and books. Users can chat with one another, discuss all things celebrity-related, and learn about new content. It’s also possible to earn points for checking into any time of content – here’s where the critical part comes into play.

Points and Stickers Earned

The more points you gather for checking into a show or book, the more possible rewards you will receive. So, let’s say that you tell Get Glue about yourself. You note that you are a male, you are 28 years old, and you love Mad Men. You then check into Mad Men when it is playing, comment on the show, and look for other shows that match this genre (though, really, nothing compares to Mad Men!). You may find some other show suggestions interesting, so you add those shows to your Get Glue app too.

Now, those who create and rate these shows gather all of the information you are imputing. For your efforts, you are given stickers and rewards points. All the while, everything you enter into your Get Glue app becomes a small part of a very large marketing picture. Within moments, television and movie producers (along with book publishers) know exactly what market to target. This is a clever stroke of marketing genius that millions are sure to fall prey to.

Then Again…

If you don’t mind the fact that the information you add to Get Glue will be used for marketing purposes, there’s nothing wrong with this app. It does, after all, allow you to check-in with your friends and like-minded movie, television or book enthusiasts. You’ll also find out about new shows, and you can comment on a show while it’s playing.

For those who like to be part of a community, Get Glue makes this happen. It’s easy to become wrapped up in what others are saying about a show, and you can find out if you have anything in common with one of your social media friends. The more friends you link to, the more people you will have to talk to, so Get Glue suggests that you connect to as many social networks as you can.

Signing Up

If this app sounds like something that you’d enjoy, go ahead and give Get Glue a shot. You’ll find the app in the Apple App Store, and it’s currently free to download. I can’t imagine that this would become a paid app, but you never know. Thus far, reviews (other than this one) surrounding Get Glue have been positive.