A simple spelling mistake can make or break a text. You can use a basic spellchecker to make sure that your writing has no holes, or you can use grammar software. These programs go through every word and phrase with a fine-toothed comb. In fact, investing in grammar software is kind of like hiring your own personal editor.
Grammar Expert Plus -- $50+
Grammar Expert Plus will help you write any kind of text. From emails to complex documents, this program includes all the tools you need to produce flawless text. Added benefits to Grammar Expert Plus include readability statistics, words per sentence information, and common spelling error explanations. If you’re looking for a moderately priced program that can help you edit your work quickly, Grammar Expert Plus is a great tool.
WhiteSmoke -- $50+
The number one reason why WhiteSmoke is such a popular tool is user-friendliness. WhiteSmoke includes an easy to use interface that will help you work on your writing skills right away. As soon as you ask WhiteSmoke to analyze your writing, you will see a number of common errors and ways to fix those errors. After WhiteSmoke has completely combed through your text, you will be given a text score. The idea behind this score is to try and increase your score as you work with WhiteSmoke. By default, you will become a better writer when you use this program.
Editor -- $50+
Aptly named, this program really does edit every aspect of your writing. Editor will pick up thousands of possible writing problems. In addition, Editor includes tools that will help you polish and review each text that you write. Programs such as Microsoft Word are no match for Editor, since this tool can pick up on parentheses, ellipses, and a number of other punctuation marks. Editor is also user-friendly, which makes this tool a standout editing and spellchecking program.
Writer’s Workbench -- $100+
The only way to become a better writer is to learn from your mistakes. This is the exact philosophy that Writer’s Workbench uses. This program points out your errors, but it also tells you why certain mistakes were made. Using these critiques, you can improve your writing over the course of a few months. Even though Writer’s Workbench is more expensive than some other writing tools, this program is worth the extra expense if you want to perfect your writing skills.