When you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a designer, WordPress is an excellent way to jump right into the website ocean. Many people prefer WordPress over other blogging platforms due to simplicity. There’s nothing complex about WordPress, though there are some things you can do to make your blog stand out from the rest.
The following WordPress applications are free, but all of the apps listed are also worth your time. Prior to adding any of the following apps to your WordPress site, make sure that you have backed up your blogs entirely. Otherwise, you may risk losing all of your blogging work due to an app that fails.
Note: the apps mentioned in this article were accurate and functional at the time of this writing.
HeadSpace2 SEO
Content quality has always been important. This statement is true now more than ever before. Gone are the days when search engines only looked for blogs stacked with keywords and SEO tricks. Instead, search engines are now looking for blogs that include all the right SEO tactics with the best content available. If you’re head spins thinking about SEO, make sure that you download the HEadSpace2 SEO app. This app is, by far, the best SEO app available.
HeadSpace2 SEO will take care of all those keywords and meta tags without skipping a beat. If you want to attract readers with great content and stealth SEO, HeadSpace2 SEO is the one app that you can’t live without. Check out HeadSpace2 SEO’s video for more information (available on the WordPress website).
Thank Me Later
Interestingly, the Internet began as a largely computerized, automated, space. Today, people want to connect with bloggers, writers, and marketers on a personal level. Thank Me Later helps you reach out to your visitors by sending each new reader a customized email. All you have to do is type up your ideal email, include any information that you want readers to know about, and all Thank Me Later to send out emails to every new reader. Tip: don’t include a number of links and graphics in your email! Instead, make it personal and clever!
Tweet Old Posts
Tweet Old Post is an ingenious app that will help you gain a lot of followers. Sometimes an older post is far better than a new one, but people aren’t reading those old posts. Why? Blog readers tend to skim new blog posts without much interest in what you had to say one month or one week ago. Tweet Old Posts will randomly pick tweet one of your old posts for you, so that you can stay in touch with your readers. You can select certain criteria for Tweet Old Posts to follow while picking an older post. You’ll quickly find that your tweets will gain more readers when you use Tweet Old Posts.
WP Mobile Detector
More and more people are using cell phones to read blogs. If your blog isn’t prepared to handle cell phone traffic, you may disappoint readers. WP Mobile Detector detects mobile phones, and creates a mobile-friendly blog atmosphere. Never miss a reader again due to a lack of a phone app!