Aside from the fact that they tend to be overly sappy, greeting cards are expensive. Unfortunately, there are a number of occasions that require a greeting card or two. From weddings to funerals, cards show people that you care. While it’s always good to send a card, you don’t have to select one from your local pharmacy.
Instead, you can make your own, personalized, greeting cards. Create cards for a friend’s baby shower or devise your own wedding invitations – the sky’s the limit with greeting card software. The question is, which software program completes greeting card tasks best?
When shopping for greeting card software, look for a program that’s user-friendly by reading reviews. It’s also a good idea to look for a program that can create both e-cards and regular printed cards.
Note: all prices were approximate at the time of this writing.
Greeting Card Factory -- $40+
Something about the name of this product is enticing. Perhaps it’s the name of the program that suggests an entire factory available at your whim. Perhaps it’s this products unique interface. Whatever it is, Greeting Card Factory makes the top of this list for a number of very simple reasons. First and foremost, Greeting Card Factory comes with many different features that you can select from. Secondly, this program has more effects that most others in its class.
Greeting Card Factory also comes with an interface that won’t leave you confused or frightened, which is always a positive thing. The one drawback that you may want to consider is that Greeting Card Factory can only create printed greeting cards. If you’re looking to send an electronic card, this program won’t do.
Print Artist Platinum -- $40+
When creating a greeting card, the last thing you need is a complicated interface. After all, who wants to mess around with a set of complex instructions when a greeting card should be simple to create? Print Artist Platinum has one of the easiest interfaces available. In addition, this program is packed with features, images, fonts, and templates.
From the start, you’ll be lead through a series of uncomplicated instructions, and you’ll be creating greeting cards in minutes. In addition to cards, Print Artist Platinum allows you to create videos, stationery, calendars, and other items. Versatile and simple, Print Artist Platinum is worth the semi-high price.
PrintMaster -- $20+
PrintMaster was designed with first time users in mind. Even if you never surf the net or use a computer, you’ll love with PrintMaster has to offer. This program makes it simple to create projects, add photos, choose templates, and merge images into nearly any format. You can choose from an array of clipart photos, import your own photos, or find a font that’s perfect for the card you’re designing.
In addition to all of these great features, PrintMaster can create ecards and print cards alike, so you’ll have a true selection of different cards to choose from. One of the best things about PrintMaster is that this program only costs around $20.