How many websites do you visit every day? How many of those sites ask you to input password, name, email, date of birth, or other personal details? Accessing some sites without providing these facts is impossible. But, offering up your information in the form of keystrokes is also a dangerous thing. Hackers prey upon those letters and numbers that are inserted into spaces and forms. Once this knowledge has been gained, a savvy hacker will then attempt to break into other accounts (like banking and email accounts).
The good news is that there’s a way to prevent keylogging hacks. The better news is that there’s an app available that only costs $30, and this app will encrypt your keystrokes every time you fill in a form. The Guarded ID3 app gains high approval ratings from this reviewer for its ease of use, effectiveness, and overall purpose.
Using Guarded ID3
After downloading Guarded ID3, a web page will launch. At the top of the screen, users will then see a Guarded ID3 toolbar. Inside of this toolbar sits a Guarded ID3 icon. Users do have the option to turn the toolbar on and off, but it’s best to keep it on. When visiting any website, the Guarded ID3 icon will flash. You will also notice that any form on any given page will include a green cursor. This green cursor is a reminded that Guarded ID3 is on and working. You will not see the icon if the page you are viewing does not contain any forms or blank spaces to be filled in.
Once Guarded ID3 has been installed, this program will encrypt any password or other detail that you type in any form. In other words, the number and letters that you use will be mixed together, so that it will become impossible for a hacker to determine what a code, password, birth date, or other alphanumeric combo is.
Ease of Use
When downloading Guarded ID3, I did not come across any major issues. In fact, that whole process was simple to set up. What I really like about Guarded ID3 is the fact that the flashing green icon and cursor make it nearly impossible to forget that this app is working. It’s also great to know that any information entered in any kind of form is undetectable to a hacker’s eye – a small $30 price to pay for peace of mind.
Extra Features
Guarded ID3 includes a warning system that’s very useful. If any site that you visit includes a malicious link, this program will draw a red circle around that link. So, you’ll never be tempted to click on something that will lead you astray. While it’s a simple feature, this protective measure simply makes Guarded ID3 an even better product (which is hard to imagine, since this product is so excellent already).
In conclusion, Guarded ID3 is one of the best keylogging protection and encryption apps that I’ve ever tested. As mentioned above, this particular app is also priced quite right at just $30. If you spend a lot of time filling out online forms, you might want to consider this an important $30 investment.