Have you heard of HealthSherpa? HealthSherpa is a website that was built by a team of 20-year-olds, and it's meant to be an alternative to the U.S. Government's messed up healthcare site, healthcare.gov. HealthSherpa not only works, but it's also becoming very popular with Americans.
If you're fed up of healthcare.gov, you may want to take a look at HealthSherpa - here's what you'll find.
What HealthSherpa Offers
The HealthSherpa site is simple. Users enter zip codes in order to find healthcare plans in a particular area. You can also compare plans, filter searches to include complete coverage or minimal coverage, and even account for all of the people living in your house. This is the site that the government should have built from the start.
The three developers behind this project currently run a real estate comparison site that's roughly the same type of site. The developers snagged the same interface that was used on the healthcare.gov site, researched and gathered public health information, and added it all together to create the site that the government wanted to build but couldn't.
Useful and Working
So far, HealthSherpa has attracted thousands of Americans searching for healthcare plans. But, site developers have told press that they could not have built the site without first having the healthcare.gov site, so I guess that government site was good for something after all.
It's not possible to purchase healthcare plans directly from the HealthSherpa website, but you will be led to a healthcare provider's site in order to choose the plan you want. It all works very smoothly, and the team has seen a major surge in site traffic and in social media activity since the site went live.
An Embarrassing Moment
The U.S. Government has taken a really long time to fix the healthcare.gov site. Now that HealthSherpa has come along, the government looks even sillier than it did originally, since the government site is still in shambles. Why is it taking so long to fix that site? Nobody really has an answer to this question, but HealthSherpa's team has figured out a quick and painless way to put all of that healthcare data together.
Is the government going to adopt this site? It doesn't look that way, since the government has just hired a whole bunch of new developers to work on the site. However, HealthSherpa is certainly helping out people that are searching for healthcare plans, and haven't found any help from the government just yet. If you are one of those people, make sure to check out HealthSherpa - you'll find that using this site is painless (and it won't crash!).
What do you think of the government healthcare site? Is this a complete embarrassment? Should the U.S. Government simply buy HealthSherpa instead of spending more money to try and fix the current site? There's no fix in sight for the government website it seems. But, at least the team at HealthSherpa has it all figured out - which is more than can be said for the government!