Last week, HP announced the all-new Envy X2. This tablet-laptop hybrid is the first of its kind. It’s also a release that flew under the radar, but should be given a second look. For one thing, the HP Envy X2 runs on Windows 8. For another, the X2 isn’t exactly a laptop or a tablet, but it’s definitely somewhere in-between. HP hasn’t creating anything new in the tablet category for a while. The new Envy X2 will be the company’s re-entry into the tablet market.
By bringing consumers the best of both worlds, HP hopes to tap into both the tablet and laptop market. Whether or not the famed company will succeed has yet to be seen. For now, a review of the Envy X2 will have to do. If you happen to see the X2 out there on store shelves, here’s what you can expect to find.
Design and Function
When you first look at the Envy X2, you might think that it’s definitely a laptop. The X2 looks the part of a laptop with an 11.6-inch display and a keyboard base. Further inspection will reveal that the display is actually a touchscreen display, and the base is actually detachable. Once the base has been detached, the laptop morphs into a touchscreen tablet. For those who want both a laptop and a tablet, HP might have hit the mark with the X2.
The size and weight of the X2 are appealing as well. This laptop-tablet hybrid weighs roughly 1.5 pounds and measures .33-inches thick. With an 11.6-inch screen, the X2 is large enough to use as a laptop and as a tablet. It should be pointed out, however, that the keyboard base is optional and sold separately, so take this into consideration prior to purchase. Other things to consider are the components that HP has added to the X2.
Inside the X2
HP chose an Intel Atom processor (Clover Trail); added two USB ports; an HDMI port; SD card slot; and two batteries (one that powers the laptop and one just for the tablet). Since this hybrid has two batteries, you can expect approximately eight hours of battery life from the device. The X2 also comes with a webcam (front) and an 8-megapixel camera (back). All in all, HP has done a decent job designing the X2, but will this hybrid be what consumers want? Will an optional Stylus make the difference?
Laptop VS. Tablet
There’s definitely a struggle going on between laptops and tablets. Some have predicted the demise of the laptop as we currently know it. Already, laptops have turned into ultrabooks and most no longer come with optical drives, a feature once considered necessary and basic. As tablets become more and more advanced, laptops might be phased out completely. Seemingly, HP is playing it safe by inventing a device that can go either way. However, HP has told press that the X2 is considered a laptop first and foremost. The tablet option is just that, an option that will cost you additional pennies.