Updating your phone can always be a bit of a gamble. While all the promises of an update sound good (new improved features, etc), you never know what might come along with that update.
If you’ve recently updated to iOS10 and you found your phone stuck on the Apple logo after the update, here’s how to fix it.
Fixing the Stuck Apple Logo Problem
Find a computer with the latest version of iTunes installed. Connect your phone or tablet to the computer.
Press and hold the ‘sleep’ and ‘home’ buttons simultaneously on your phone or tablet.
You’ll see a screen prompt to plug your phone or tablet into iTunes.
iTunes will reflect a prompt to update or restore an iPhone or iPad
Choose ‘update’ to continue with the iOS10 update
Wait for the phone or tablet to update
Persistent Problems
Should your iPhone or tablet still be stuck with the Apple logo, you can still continue to update your phone. You can try repeating the steps listed above to see if the problem resets. If that doesn’t work, I’m sorry to tell you that you may have to bring your phone into the Apple Store to speak to an Apple expert.
Apple’s Response
Apple has also weighed in on the issue. The company said that there were brief problems with the update but those problems have been largely fixed now. Apple also said that the issues only impacted a small number of Apple users, though many people have been reporting the same problem with the update.
As far as the update itself goes, you may want to see if you can get past that stick Apple sign. The updates do include some cool things (even some new emojis) and those might be worth checking out. But if you do come across the Apple screen of death, just make sure you’ve got a computer with the latest version of iTunes set up.
In fact, it’s probably a good idea to go set up the latest version of iTunes on your computer or laptop in order to be prepared if you do see the Apple logo for too long.
Always an Issue
It seems like there’s always a problem when trying to update. Well, almost always. Updates don’t go smoothly from the start and that’s mostly due to some unforeseen glitches on the part of the company releasing the update (in this case that company was Apple). But as soon as problems are known, glitches are usually fixed - as is the case this time around with iOS10.
Since some glitches pop up without other people knowing about them, I’d love to hear from you if you’ve seen an issue with the newest update that has not yet been noted. Leave a note here or on our Facebook page. Chances are that if you’ve seen a glitch with the newest update you can probably help others too. The stuck Apple logo is the biggest issue so far but there are likely more out there.