Few smartphone launches are hyped as much as iPhone launches. The iPhone 5 is proving to be the most talked about smartphone launch of the year. There are so many rumors surrounding the shape, size, features, and overall look of the new iPhone that it’s hard to separate possible fact from outright fiction.
One rumor that seems feasible is that the iPhone 5 may have a larger screen. While there’s nothing wrong with the current iPhone 4 screen, it could stand to gain a few inches. This would make browsing using your iPhone simpler, and Apple is all about making things simpler for its devoted fans.
Thinner and Larger Cases
The reasoning behind the iPhone 5 rumor comes from the shape and look of newly fashioned iPhone cases. These cases were designed to fit an iPhone that’s thinner, has a wider screen, and includes a larger home button. When placed on the current iPhone 4, the new cases did not fit. Thus, those who man the rumor mills sent out word that the new iPhone would, in fact, be slimmer, have a larger screen, and come with a larger home button.
A slimmer iPhone makes sense, since the current iPhone is a bit thick. A larger screen size also makes sense for better browsing, but a larger home button? It’s hard to see the real purpose there, since the current home button is large enough. Some sources also report that the iPhone 5 may have a curved back, but this is highly unlikely. After all, Apple did take away the curvature of the iPhone 3 when the iPhone 4 was created.
Do Looks Really Matter?
Do you feel compelled to own the new iPhone 5 based upon these style rumors? Does the look of the new iPhone really matter? After all, it’s the insides of a phone that counts, isn’t it? Listening and watching the build up to the new iPhone 5 release is exciting. People from all walks of life are waiting on the edge of their seats to see when Apple will make the announcement. Any movement that could be related to the launch is instantly reported across all tech blogs.
Apple isn’t revealing any details about the iPhone 5 just yet. But, the smartphone giant does know how to create suspense. Apple is great at marketing their products, which is one of the reasons why the company is so popular. The thing that sets Apple apart from the rest is that this company is truly dedicated to the art of innovation. Perhaps that’s why so many people around the world can’t wait for the latest Apple development.
There’s so much buzz surrounding the iPhone 5 that the phone is sure to sell out within hours of its initial release. Right now, what’s inside of the phone and how the phone looks is important. Once the phone has been placed on store shelves, I’m betting that whatever changes and upgrades Apple makes fall by the wayside. For most people, simply getting a new iPhone 5 (regardless of phone changes) is the most important thing.