There’s a security flaw you should know about if you have an iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus. It has recently been discovered that hackers can access contact data without using an iPhone passcode or fingerprint.
If you have an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus, you may want to be aware of this recent hack made public.
How the Hack Works
From the iPhone’s lockscreen, hackers can activate Siri and then ask Siri to look for any email address contained within Twitter. Once that address has been found (and it can really be any address), the phone will pull up a context menu. From there, hackers can use the context menu to create a new contact or edit an existing contact.
While hackers may not want to add or edit your contact list, having direct access to your contact list means that anyone with the know-how can also access your contacts. As soon as your contact list has been activated, all it takes is some fast fingers to write down those contacts or search for a contact.
How the Hack Was Discovered
This iPhone hack was recently discovered by a hacker by the name of Jose Rodriguez that has uncovered similar hacks before. This particular hack does require Siri, but hackers with enough savvy can easily pull up Siri even without proper voice activation requirements. Apple has been made aware of the hack but no comment has been made by the company yet.
Protecting Yourself
In order to make sure that your iPhone remains secure, the best way to prevent anyone from using this hack on your phone is to disable Siri’s contact list settings. Do not allow Siri to access your contact list. This simple settings fix will prevent Siri from having access to your contact list, which means that a hacker trying to get into your phone will not have any luck using this particular hacking method.
It is possible that this hack was the same hack used by the FBI when trying to tap into a phone recently, but that information has not been released. Presumably, Apple will work to prevent the hack from working. Hopefully with a new iOS update, Apple will be able to prevent this hack from happening and becoming widespread.
Phones Impacted
Keep in mind that the hack mentioned above only works with iPhones that have 3D Touch screens, so the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are impacted but other iPhones are not. If you do have one of these phones, keep this hack in mind and do not let Siri access your contact list from the lock screen.
Interestingly, this hack has surfaced after the FBI has notoriously and successfully hacked into a former terrorist’s iPhone. Again, there is no proof that this is the method that the the FBI used, but the news does surface at the same time. At the time of this writing, Apple has not made any statements that pertain to this particular hack. Usually, Apple will not make a statement until a hack has been fixed.