Keeping an eye on a network can be tough. Even the best network administrators fall behind sometimes. That’s why network-monitoring suites like Ipswich WhatsUp Gold (V16) were created. This version of WhatsUp Gold is packed to the gills with features and other helpful bits. Even though the price tag on this suite is on the high side at $1595, WhatsUp Gold is definitely worth that price – especially if you have a big network that can be overlooked at times.
Installing WhatsUp Gold V16
Refreshingly, WhatsUp Gold presents a simple install. During the installation process, both IIS and SQL Server are installed. Gone are the days of separate installations. WhatsUp Gold takes care of all the details from the start. The option to mess around with IIS and SQL Server specifics is available, however. The choice is up to you. If you want a simple install, don’t bother with the advanced settings option. If you need something more specific, that advanced settings feature is ready to go.
In addition to fast installation of IIS and SQL, this version of WhatsUp Gold includes a really advanced wizard. Instead of simply bringing you through the setup process, the WhatsUp Gold wizard also includes video tutorials. If you’re really stuck during installation, the included video tutorials will make all the difference. As a final installation move, WhatsUp Gold will automatically scan your network. All networked devices will then be added to the suite – even those that you may have forgotten all about. WhatsUp Gold is no slouch when it comes to features either.
Features Galore
This suite is packed – I mean, really packed – with features. There are so many features that’s it’s hard to list them all here. Some standout features include Log Management and the WhatsVirtual Tool. Both of these features make monitoring any network simpler. Starting with the Log Management tool, this feature displays everything that’s happening with a network in a nice and neat log. Things like gathering information about devices and scanning Syslog are possible with Log Management. The great thing about the Log Management feature is that you never have to exit the WhatsUp Gold suite in order to view devices.
Just in case you need to monitor a network virtually, WhatsUp Gold’s WhatsVirtual Tool makes virtual life a lot easier. This tool gathers up all the virtual networked device information. This information is then displayed in an organized fashion. If you have any virtual machines connected to a network, it’s hard to beat the WhatsVirtual tool.
Overall Impressions
Ipswich did a great job with this version of WhatsUp Gold. It is easily one of the most comprehensive network monitoring tools available today. While the price is high, you’ll be hard pressed to find a network suite that includes as many features as this one does.
The only possible downside – and this is the case with any program that’s packed with options and features – is that settings and advanced feature configurations can become complicated at times. If you get bogged down in menu options, though, there’s always that handy wizard to rely on. WhatsUp Gold also comes with plenty of backup support to help you through those confusing times.