Here’s an interesting fact: Kred and Klout are both headquartered in the same building. Why is this fact interesting? Kred is soon to be Klout’s number one Twitter influence competitor. Klout provides Twitter users with a Klout score (every Twitter user has a score).
This score is determined based on a number of things such as Twitter influence, number of followers, and various other determiners. Kred aims to provide Twitter users with scores that are very similar to Klout scores.
However, there are some fundamental differences between the two scoring sites. But, before I get to those differences, I’ll address the question: “who cares?” Because, really, who cares what your Twitter influence score is? Well, as it turns out, most of the Twitter community cares. Getting a high score means that you have Twitter influence, and that you are important to the Twitter community – call it an ego thing if you like, but Klout (or Kred) is still important.
Klout VS. Kred
Kred is doing something that Klout hasn’t even thought of yet. Kred lets users see exactly how a score was created. For example, if you recently had one of your tweets retweeted by someone who’s considered largely influential, Kred will let you know that retweet was worth a lot of points. So, you can track, down to the tweet, why some Twitter movements are worth more than others.
In simple terms, Kred provides transparency. Klout, on the other hand, seems to derive scores from some magical formula that hasn’t been clearly explained yet. It’s easy to see why Kred would be a better system for most Twitter users. After all, knowing which Twitter users you should follow/stalk to gain retweets, which will, in turn, add to your Kred score is helpful.
Kred will also consider offline influences. That’s right, you’ll get a gold star from Kred (ok, just more points) if you recently funded a charity ball or accomplished some other big task offline – just send Kred the paperwork proof and watch your score grow. Kred is thinking above and beyond Klout, but will Twitter users notice?
Tired of Being Tracked?
As an avid Twitter user, I can tell you that Klout is annoying. One moment you have a decent Klout score. The next moment, Klout has taken away some points from your score. Often, the reasons for fluctuating scores are unknown. Yet, the Twitter world can’t seem to go on without Klout. It is, after all, a way to measure one’s Twitter success – or is it?
Some question whether or not Klout is a measure of anything at all. Seemingly, there are no real mathematical equations happening when it comes to Klout, and scores are really a popularity contest. Will Kred change all of this? It’s not likely. But, Kred may offer Twitter users more details when it comes to finding out exactly why a score was increased or reduced.
That, my friends, is a much better way of keeping track of Twitter popularity (if it must be tracked at all). Dying to find out what your Klout score is? The new service will be available after October 6th. If you want to get in on the action, you can sign up for Kred score right now by visiting the Kred site (