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  • LastPass: Really Secure Password Sharing
Technology Articles > Software > Security & Privacy > LastPass: Really Secure Password Sharing

Passwords are a necessary evil. In order to keep any information from your email to your banking account passwords safe, you need to create a password that’s simple to remember and difficult for hackers to figure out. Of course, the only problem with creating a unique password for every account you use is that those passwords are often impossible to remember! How many times have you become frustrated after forgetting a simple password?

Well, this is exactly why LastPass was created. LastPass is a secure password management site that allows you to simply choose one master password that will unlock all other passwords. Best of all, LastPass is free and really easy to use – you can even share secure passwords with other people. Here’s how LastPass works and why you should really be using it.

Signing Up For a LastPass Account

When you sign up for a LastPass account, the site will ask you to add a “master password” to your account. This password will provide you with access to your LastPass account, so make sure to make it a good one – and one that you can easily remember! Once that’s done, LastPass will install a small icon at the top right side of your browser screen (a small red star). From that point on, ever time you head to a site that requires a password, LastPass will ask whether or not you want the service to automatically fill in your password information – but, wait, how does LastPass get this information to begin with?

When you initially sign up for a LastPass account, you will be prompted to fill in as many passwords as you can think of. You can add passwords for email accounts, banking accounts, social networks – basically, any site you can think of. This is how LastPass gains your password information – and the site is securely encrypted, so you don’t have worry about your passwords being shared without your knowledge. But, there’s a lot more to LastPass – like password generation.

Password Generation Using LastPass

When you visit a new site that asks you to create a password, LastPass can generate a new password for you. All of the passwords that LastPass creates are the kind of alphanumeric passwords that should be use, but are rarely created by most people. These tangled passwords would be hard to remember on your own, but you won’t have to remember these passwords when you use LastPass. All you have to do is let LastPass fill in your forms for you and those passwords will be saved – how great is that?

LastPass Also Works From Other Devices

When you sign up for a LastPass account, all of your saved information can be used from any smartphone or any computer. All you have to do is log onto your LastPass account and LastPass will go to work – just remember to log off when you are done. Really, LastPass couldn’t be easier to use, but it will save you from forgetting passwords, allowing hackers to access your passwords, and losing important password information.