There’s a problem with the way we get news today. Brief snippets through smartphone apps, nonsensical television news clips, and blogs that scream celebrity news are now the norm. But, there used to be a different kind of journalism -- journalism that meant something, was hard-hitting, in-depth, and full of words. Stories that were written by real journalists who had a deep heart-felt passion for the truth behind untold sagas used to be the norm.
Journalism changed when the Internet, tablet, and smartphone were invented. Shorter, more colorful, articles that grabbed attention and provided quick, dumbed-down, information popped up all across the world when these devices were created. Now, there’s a movement to bring that longer journalism back, and that movement is called Matter.
What Matter Is
Matter is currently in the startup process. Right now, Matter is merely a notion of a company that will be formed shortly. Essentially, Matter will provide the public with real journalism as it used to be – the longer, better, kind of journalism, that is. According to the Matter video that is currently listed on the Kickstarter startup website, Matter will focus on news stories that aren’t already being told. In short, what you read on the Matter site will not be a repeat of the news stories that you see elsewhere, and the stories that are printed will not be short snippets full of SEO and graphics.
What you will see are stories that matter written by reporters who have spent countless hours racking up impressive journalist resumes. Granted, Matter won’t be for everyone. Those who like stories on the short side and have no tolerance for journalism the way it was meant to be won’t care much for Matter. On the flip side, Matter has already gained more than its initial funding goal, and many (including this reviewer) are still pledging dollars to help the company grow. Judging by the number of people who have contributed to Matter’s seed funding, this site is bound to be big – and it’s just the kind of news site that people are yearning for.
How You Can Help
If you miss old-fashioned journalism and you want to see real stories told once again, you can contribute to Matter’s funding by heading to the Kickstarter website, pledging any amount from $1 onward, and letting the world know that you support great ideas. It will be interesting to see how Matter shapes up once this company hits the ground running, but there’s no doubt (judging from the lineup of editors and contributors the company already has) that Matter will be a news site worth reading.
As a journalist, I urge you to seek out the truth behind journalism and support those who haven’t forgotten what it feels like to go through the sheer angst and excitement of creating a story through sweat and tears – yes, the writing process can be that tough! When news comes from a site like Matter, what’s really happening in the world will certainly, well, matter.