Microsoft has been teasing the press with talks of Office updates. When, exactly, Microsoft will unveil the new Office has yet to be seen. What is clear is that Microsoft will be updating Office soon, and that those who are currently using Office 2012 or purchasing Office 2010 will get a free upgrade.
This news from Microsoft has a lot of existing Office users pleased today, since upgrading to the new Office would likely have been very expensive. In addition to appeasing those who currently use Office and want to upgrade, the fact that Microsoft is offering this upgrade guarantee means that the company will be coming out with the new Office sooner rather than later.
Length of the Guarantee Program
While it would be amazing if a company like Microsoft would offer free upgrades, this isn’t likely to happen. Instead, Microsoft is likely to offer a six month guarantee program. This would mean that anyone who purchases Microsoft 2010 between now and six months from the Office 2013 release date would be able to take advantage of that free upgrade. After that cut off point, no more free upgrades would be available. So, the moral of this story is to be sure and upgrade when you have the chance!
Office for Mac (and other) Upgrades
Office for Mac subscribers will be given the option of having an Office 365 Home Premium subscription. Anyone who’s purchased Office 2012 Home and Student, Home and Business, or University will be given an Office 365 Home Premium subscription or the Office 2013 standalone suite equivalent. Microsoft is giving those who currently use any form of Office 2010 a good number of options to select from, and this is a refreshing change from other manufacturers who do not offer such extensive options.
As mentioned, the release date for Office 2013 has not yet been listed by Microsoft, so it’s anyone’s guess as to when this new version of Office will surface. However, some rumors are pointing to a late October release date, which would make a good deal of sense. What exactly the new Office will contain or how it will be different has yet to be seen, but at least you can gain some kind of new version of Office when it is release – that or a subscription to Home Premium.
It seems likely that Microsoft will be holding a press conference soon in order to release the new Office product. This will be a release to look forward to, since Office has not been entirely updated in a few years. As with most other programs, it is important for Microsoft to update Office in order to keep up with changing trends and competing programs. As it stands, Office is still the gold standard where programs of this type are concerned. If you currently use a version of Office that will soon be outdated, what do you think about Microsoft’s current guarantee offer? Will you upgrade at all? Let me know what your opinion is in the comments – though it’s hard to argue that Microsoft isn’t giving consumers a great upgrade deal!