Any financial expert will tell you that in order to keep your money; you have to keep your money in order. This is the basic principle that is built upon. is a financial organization system that also happens to be free. This program will help you keep put your finances in order, and it comes packed with many interesting features.
The fact that syncs its site with your financial institutions and accounts may make some people nervous. You do, after all, have to enter your personal details into the set up site in order to use this program. However, claims that the site is secure as any bank site, and this should appease most users.
Setting Up
For most people, finances are already tedious. That’s why gets big points for its simple setup process. All you really have to do is enter the name of your bank, add some loan details, and pop a credit card or two into the picture. As soon as you enter all of this information, your accounts will be available to you in one clean picture.
You won’t have to switch back and forth from account to account in order to see what you owe. Instead, makes understanding your whole financial portfolio simple. This is the main reason why is such a gem.
Transferring Monies isn’t a tool that will allow you to send or receive monies of any kind. So, you can’t make a payment through What you can do is look at the payments you make monthly, decided whether or not a credit card of banking institution will work for you (more on this later), and see where your money is going.
Mint Recommends needs to make money just like any other company. Yet, does not charge users for its services. How then does make money? By offering you better banking and credit card deals. will suggest various institutions to you throughout your time with Mint. Easy comparison charts make it possible to see whether or not you are paying too much in fees.
If you choose to accept’s recommendations, you may save some money in the long run. Of course, this means switching banks and companies every month, but that’s entirely up to you. You don’t have to make any changes, these alternatives are just suggestions.
Graphs and Charts relies upon the fact that graphs and charts make things simpler. If you’re not good at creating your own spreadsheets, allow to do this for you. You’ll find out how much you spend, how to budget, where you can cut back, and whether or not you compare to people in your area. All of these things make keeping your finances in order simple.
Some people don’t like the fact that isn’t very hands-on, but this is a large selling point for others. If you’re just seeking some organization in your life, will help you put your finances into perspective.