Have you ever thought about mingling with NASA’s best? Well, you might have a chance very soon. NASA has decided to gain a stronger Twitter following by inviting 150 of the space association’s followers to the launch of the Curiosity Mars Rover. All you have to do is start following NASA on October 5th to gain a chance at receiving a NASA invitation. The contest will close on October 7th.
Lots of companies create contests in order to gain Twitter followers, but NASA has done something that most other companies don’t know how to do. NASA has created an exclusive invite to those who decide to follow NASA on Twitter – an invite to an event that only astronauts and those within NASA circles can attend. This is exclusivity at its best, and it’s the way that Twitter contests should be run.
What the Contest Includes
The launch of the Curiosity Mars Rover will take place on November 25, 2011. The events leading up to the launch will begin on November 23, 2011, so those lucky Twitter fans will be invited for the three day Orlando-based NASA activities. Now, before you rush out and create a Twitter account (you must have one) or put the date on your calendar, there’s something that you should know.
NASA is not paying for tickets or accommodations. That means that you’ll have to find your own way to Orlando and book your own hotel room. Still, being able to attend a few meet and greets with some of NASA’s finest isn’t too shabby. Here’s betting that thousands of people race to sign up for the Twitter competition on October 5th.
Running a Twitter Contest
Is it possible for other companies to gain as much Twitter interest as NASA has gained? Well, that depends on the contest at hand. If you offer people something that’s entirely free for following your company on Twitter, you may find that you have lots of new Twitter followers. On the flip side, offering people a “chance” at winning something may not gain a lot of attention.
It’s also hard to compare most companies with NASA. After all, NASA is, well, NASA. Few other organizations and associations across the world are as well known as NASA is. Pretty much anything that NASA states or does will be reported by some blog, magazine, or newspaper (for free, I might add). Really, it’s all about great marketing and understanding the Twitter game.
Hastags Have It
If you’re going to create a Twitter contest, make sure that you have a catchy hashtag handy. To enter the NASA contest, you’ll want to know that the hashtag #NASAtweetup is the way to go. After following NASA on October 5th, use the hashtag listed above to let NASA know about your interest.
Keep in mind that NASA will not pay for your lodgings or ticket. Also, this contest may be restricted to just one person per group, so you may not be able to bring your family or loved one (contact NASA for details). Still, the NASA contest is a great opportunity, and a great way to learn the Twitter contest ropes.