Yesterday, Amazon made some big announcements. At a special conference held in Santa Monica, CA, Amazon revealed the company’s latest Kindle ereaders to press. Today, all of the much anticipated details about the new Kindles have surfaced. If you’re in the market for a new ereader, you will want to know all about what Amazon is offering. Amazon largely took over the ereader market when the Kindle Fire was introduced not so long ago, and it certainly looks like the company is still on that all-encompassing ereader track. Here’s the new Kindle lineup:
First, The Kindle Paperwhite Reader
Amazon has reinvented color. Well, not quite. But, Amazon has invented something called “Paperwhite.” Essentially, Paperwhite is a cleaner and crisper white than the white that can be seen on earlier Kindle screens. The concept behind Paperwhite is to provide users with a much clearer contrast between black lettering and a white background. Does Paperwhite live up to Amazon’s expectations? Those who had a chance to review the new Paperwhite Kindle have found it to be white, indeed. This Kindle is also easier to look at thanks to some other new features.
Not only did Amazon work on the Kindle’s white background, but the Paperwhite comes with a pixel density that is much higher. You’ll also find that the Paperwhite is easier to use all-around. The 3G Paperwhite will retail for $179, which is on the steep side. The WiFi version will be listed at $119. Both of these Kindles will hit the market on September 14th.
Then Comes the New Fire
When the Kindle Fire first hit store shelves, Amazon had a hard time keeping these ereaders in stock. Now, Amazon has updated the Fire to include a faster processor, additional RAM, and an all-new lineup of Fire HD devices. The HD offerings provide consumers with some choices including a 7-inch, 8.9-inch, and a LTE Fire. As you might imagine, the price for the LTE Fire will be high at $499. The 7-inch and 8.9-inch Fires will be priced at $199 and $299 respectively.
All of the new Kindle Fires will launch on September 14th, officially, as well. You can pre-order through the Amazon website right now if you’re itching to own the latest ereader on the market. But, this reviewer will caution you to wait and see how consumers receive the new Kindle devices. Often, new devices have some hang-ups that need to be worked, and this can take some time. Then again, it’s also possible that Amazon has gone over every possible problem with a fine-toothed comb. If that’s the case, the sales of the new Kindles will be through the roof – and the Fire LTE may even compete with Apple’s iPad.
All of this new news from Amazon is certainly exciting. Amazon still boasts the largest content selection out of any ereader manufacturer, and that’s something that’s hard to beat. If a new ereader is on your holiday list, make sure to test out Amazon’s new Kindles or check back for additional reviews once the devices have hit the consumer market.