On September 19th, Apple will roll out the all-new iOS 6. The free update will be available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad users. Apple has announced that the new update will be a big one. Even though the iOS 5 update was significant, Apple is stating that the new iOS 6 will be even bigger. Is this possible? After all, we did see a whole new lock screen and camera option with iOS 5 in addition to some other great details. What will the new iOS 6 hold? Here’s what is known so far.
Fresh Facebook Integration
Facebook is here to stay – that’s the message that Apple is sending with the new iOS 6. This iOS version will be deeply woven with the social network. How woven? With just a tap, you will be able to share nearly everything with your Facebook followers. There’s no doubt that this new integration will boost the social network’s ratings. But, how will those who don’t use Facebook feel? If you don’t use or like Facebook, the new iOS might not be for you. It will be difficult not to feel the social network’s presence when the new iOS 6 is unveiled. Facebook integration isn’t the only thing that Apple has been working on, though.
Goodbye Google
You may have already hear the news: Apple is getting rid of Google Maps. In its place, Apple has developed its own map system. Apple Maps will be similar to Google Maps, but some sources say Apple has gone a few steps further. Apple Maps will provide users with 3D views -- a very cool feature. Apple Maps might even blow Google Maps out of the water. What else has Apple done to the new iOS 6? How about more app space?
Bigger iPhone Means More Apps
The new iPhone 5 is larger than its predecessors. This means that an extra row of app space is now available. With the new iOS 6, users will find that the Music and iTunes apps are in the same place, but a whole new row will be available for newly downloaded apps. Apple has also made a mail change.
iOS 6 VIP Mail
With iOS 6, Apple Mail gets a facelift. This new version of Mail will include a left hand side VIP list. Marking a contact as a VIP will allow users to send emails from those contacts directly to select folders. The VIP option will help users to sort mail from important people, and it will make it tough to lose an email from someone you deem a VIP. Another excellent update includes lots of phone options.
Phone Features
It’s hard to remember sometimes, but the iPhone is still a phone. Apple hasn’t forgotten this vital piece of information. iOS 6 will include some additional phone options. If you can’t answer a call, you will be able to send a customized or automated message (just tap the message option when the phone rings); have your iPhone remind you to call someone back; or simply decline a call.
iOS 6 will have some great new changes. But, can you download the free version when it arrives? The new iOS 6 will be compatible with the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 2 and third generation iPad, and the iPod (fourth and fifth generation). If your device is in this list, make sure to upgrade with iOS 6 arrives – this will be one update you don’t wan to miss!