Yesterday, Google unveiled the new Nexus 7 at a press event in San Francisco. This is the first tablet to run Android 4.3. Google's new tablet has a new design and some new features to go along with that design. Here's what you can expect from the latest Google tablet.
Nexus 7 Specs
The biggest difference between the last Nexus 7 and this updated version is the screen. Google has moved from a 1280x800 display to a 1920x1200 display resolution. However, the 7-inch screen size (hence the name of the tablet) is the same. In short, this is a big difference that results in a huge (and noticeable) screen change.
Aside from the screen changes, Google has also spent some time on the overall design of the Nexus 7. This tablet was meant to fit user hands perfectly, and that's what Google seems to have accomplished with a backside that appears much more comfortable to hold than other, rigid, tablets. As mentioned, this tablet is also the first to run Android 4.3.
Android 4.3 Defined
Initially, Android 4.3 was supposed to be a massive jump from the last version. Google didn't unveil major and mind-bending changes. There are some changes to note, though. The first is the 'Multi-User Restricted Profile Feature.'
This profile feature lets various users control apps and other content. Seemingly, Google had parents in mind when creating the feature, since it's the perfect way to control what kids are doing with apps and other content. The new Android 4.3 also includes support for Bluetooth Smart Technology (letting you connect with Bluetooth Smart).
On the graphics side, Google has added Open GL ES 3.0, which will be a big hit with gamers (better overall graphics). Google has also included smaller features like an all-new EMOJI keyboard (for those that can't get enough), and an autocomplete dialer (for both names and phone numbers).
Overall First Impressions
Android 4.3 isn't quite the leap that was expected, but there are still some significant changes to note. Is the Nexus 7 going to blow your mind? It's hard to tell right now, but Google's newest tablet does have a better screen and overall design. If you were a fan of the former Nexus 7, you will probably want to check out the newest version.
When can you get your hands on the new Nexus 7? The newest Google tablet will be on sale starting July 30th. You can find the tablet at Best Buy, Radioshack, Walmart, and Amazon. Additional stores may be announced in the future.
The price that Google has attached to the Nexus 7 depends on the version that you choose:
16GB and 32GB WiFi Only: $229 and $269 (respectively)
32GB 4G LTE (unlocked for AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon): $349 - this version will be sold at a later time.
You can find out more about the new Nexus 7 from checking out Google's website, though the company hasn't released too many additional details. Will you snag a Nexus 7 when these tablets become available? Google is expecting the tablets to sell well - that release date is fast approaching!