Ah, the Zip file – such a popular format, so hard to open. If you deal with Zip files a lot, you know that you have to, well, unzip these files in order to open them (a no-brainer, right?). Well, what do you do when you want to unzip a file, but the only device you have is your iPhone? Up until this point, you had to wait until you could use a device that allowed you to unzip those files. Thankfully, this isn’t the case anymore. Now, you can unzip and Zip file after you’ve downloaded the WinZip app from the Apple Store (sorry, you have to have an iPhone to use this app, for now).
Using the WinZip iOS app is really easy to do. In fact, all you really have to do is download the app, go through the regular installation process, and then proceed to open up any Zipped file that you might want to access. With so many ways to access so many files these days, you really don’t ever have to be without any important information no matter where you are – even if you only have your iPhone with you and you want to open that crucial file your colleague just sent to you.
WinZip: Still Going Strong!
After news about the new WinZip app spread (free, by the way), some people openly speculated that WinZip is outdated. Yet, WinZip appears to still be going strong. Already, plenty of iOS users have downloaded the new app, and it sure looks like WinZip is here to stay. Granted, I haven’t received a Zipped file in ages (not since the dawn of tools like Google Docs), but it’s nice to know that WinZip for iOS exists all the same. Now, I’m not suggesting that you go download the app right now and clog up your phone with it, but you’ll be happy to know that this app does exist if, and when, someone sends you a Zip file.
Just think of all those times you are away from home, check your email (even though you are supposed to be on vacation, resting, or enjoying some other activity), see that someone has sent you an important file, and you, stuck with your mobile device, can’t open that file. Needless to say, this is one of the most annoying feelings in the world. Thanks to the new WinZip iOS app, you can now open up anything – not so useless now, is it? Whether or not you are a WinZip fan, there’s no denying the fact that this is one iOS app that will certainly get a lot of use – and plenty of downloads.
Where and How to Get the App
As mentioned, the WinZip app is free for all iOS users. All you have to do is go to the Apple Store, search for “WinZip,” download and install the app, and you’re ready to roll. Again, there’s no need to download it right away (unless you get lots of Zip files), but it’s really nice to know that the app is there if you need it.
Recently, a slew of useful iOS apps have been popping up. Sure, it’s fun to check out new and innovative apps once in awhile (and who can resist a new version of a game like Angry Birds – Angry Birds Space is coming out, by the way!), but practical apps are always welcome!