News should be accessible when you want it, and easily shut off when you don’t. You can still tune into nightly news broadcasts and listen to news during your daily commute, but various news apps make finding out what’s happening in your world simpler. Ever since the fist smartphone was created (well, maybe not since the first smartphone, but awhile at least!), news apps have been available in abundance.
Today, various news sources constantly compete with each other for app attention. There are a lot of great, and bad, news apps out there. Thanks to this competitiveness, reliable news apps that are easy to use are available. If you want to gain news quickly, there’s no better way to become a news owl than to tune into one of these great news apps.
NY Times App
Some people really love the New York Times. If you’re one of those people, you will enjoy the NY Times app. While this app doesn’t update as often as it should, you will gain access to all of those popular NY Times articles. Another great reason to use this app is that you can simply share any articles you read with other people.
The NY Times app allows you to share articles via Twitter, Facebook, or through email. If Google Plus sticks around long enough, this app is sure to include a G+ sharing option.
Fluent News Reader App
Sometimes one news sources isn’t enough. After all, news happens all over the world, which means that news article perspectives can be gained from a variety of different sources. If you like to read news from many different channels, the Fluent News Reader is a handy app.
As suggested, you can select the various news outlets that you would like to include in your daily news stream. For example, you can add the NY Times and Reuters, but you can skip Fox News. You can’t add a news stream to this app, but it’s a free app that does put all the news that’s important to you in one place.
MSNBC News App
The MSNBC News app is one of the best news apps available. This app sends users constant news updates. If there’s a breaking news story, you’ll gain an instant notification. Of course, these notifications may be slightly annoying, but you can turn the messaging option on and off quite easily.
This app is also great for anyone who watches MSNBC shows regularly. You’ll gain show info, videos, and updates. At the time of this writing, the MSNBC app was free of charge.
CNN Mobile App
The CNN Mobile app is one of the few paid news apps available ($1.99). The reason why this app costs more than most is that news is displayed through video. The information provided through this app is up to date and always the latest. If you want to learn about news around the clock (but you don’t want to be bogged down with lots o text), the CNN Mobile app is the perfect choice.