Every time you move, calories are burned. Whether you are walking around your office or walking down the street, movements of all kinds count towards that weight loss goal. This is a notion that many different companies have been trying to engrave in the minds of the general population. Nike is the latest company to join the digital sport band lineup. Nike has just created the Nike+ FuelBand, a digital bracelet that tracks all of your movements in any fashion you like.
Nike is no stranger to the fitness + technology game. Throughout the past few years, Nike has created various fitness devices all designed to help consumers keep track. Keep track of what, exactly? Well, with the new Nike device you can keep track of calories, time, of FuelBand points (Nike points that you can gather for motivation), really, the choice is yours.
Nike’s Purpose
It’s difficult to say whether Nike has been working on the FuelBand for some time now or if the sports giant simply wants to try to keep up with changing technology. As mentioned, various other companies have attempted to create similar devices, though very few companies have succeeded. Various reviewers have wondered what will make the Nike FuelBand a better sell than, say, the Jawbone Up. Well, the difference here is that Nike is banking on its brand -- a brand that’s recognized all over the world.
When most people see the telltale Nike Swoosh, the first thing that comes to mind are sports. Consumers simply know that a Nike product is a sports product and the two are intertwined. As such, people expect Nike products to work better than competitor products (whether or not this is actually the case doesn’t seem to matter). What’s important to many people is that Nike symbol. While it’s way too early to tell what Nike’s sales will be like with the FuelBand, but it will be an interesting device to watch.
Connections and Cost
In addition to wearing the FuelBand on your wrist, this sports savvy device also communicates with your smartphone. You can set up goals through the Nike FuelBand app, and track your progress by wearing your FuelBand, which, in turn, will send your information to your smartphone. This small connection is bound to appeal to many smartphone users (more than 50% of U.S. adults own smartphones!), and it’s a brilliant move for Nike.
The only foreseeable drawback to the FuelBand is the price of this product. On the Nike USA website, the FuelBand retails for a whopping $149. That’s a good amount of money to put towards a fitness band unless, of course, you are a serious athlete who’s every move counts. As far as availability goes, you can order your FuelBand (if you have $149 to spare) from the Nike site right now. Will the FuelBand beat out the competition? It may be too soon to guess, but Nike certainly has a proven track record when it comes to gadgets, fitness, and marketing.