Do you remember those old disposable cameras? The ones that usually came in a yellow case made out of some kind of paper? Well, those cameras are back. Kind of. There’s a new app called Photojojo Disposable that lets you snap photos with your iPhone, and then have print copies of those photos mailed to you when you’re done.
How Photojojo Works
This app really does take its cues from those old disposable camera options. Photojojo lets you snap 27 prints with each camera (or each time you use the app for a new set of photos). Just like with those old disposable cameras, you can’t see the photo that you’ve snapped until you get the prints, so make sure to line up those photos carefully. Once you’ve gone through all 27 photos, you will have the option to send those photos in print form to your home.
The print photos are printed on a thick card stock (but thin enough to pop into those albums or post on a wall), and images are vibrant. After you’ve shot your roll of photos, the images are then sent to your residence for $12.99. You don’t have to go through your camera roll in order to choose which photos to print, all you have to do is shoot the whole roll. Shipping is included in the cost of the camera.
Why Bother?
The idea behind Photojojo is to provide you with that old disposable camera feeling. Those cameras didn’t allow you to see what you were snapping prior to printing out a roll, and you can’t see the pictures you’ll be getting beforehand with this app either. While the nostalgia factor is there, it’s also somewhat annoying that you can’t see the photos that you snap. There’s a very good possibility that the pictures you’re taking might not come out well at all, and you’ll be left with a $12 roll of photos that you hate.
But, that’s also the cool part of this app. The Photojojo app clearly caters to users looking for nostalgia. While you can still buy disposable cameras and print the roll the old fashioned way, the advantage to this app is that you can do it all from your phone without taking the camera to a printing place. Also, you’ll be able to snap pictures with your iPhone camera, which is a much higher quality camera than any disposable option.
The Hipster Factor
There’s little doubt that the Photojojo app was built for hipsters, but it could be a lot of fun too. If you have a trip coming up, why not download the app and shoot a few rolls of film? Most of the photos we take these days wind up nowhere (or just sitting on our phones), so having physical photos to share and put on the wall can be kind of fun. Plus, it’s a lot simpler and less time consuming than buying a disposable camera option.
Photojojo ships photos to residences in the United States only, so keep this in mind. You can download the app from the Apple store (no Android yet, sorry!), and then just set up your payment information and address details.