Pinterest has come under a bit of fire lately. The popular pinning site was called out for selling certain pinning information and this angered some Pinterest users. In an effort to make the rules and copyright laws concerning using a Pinterest account clearer, the company has now come out with a new Pinterest Privacy Policy. This policy now includes all the details that Pinterest users need to know about using the social site.
While some are balking at the new terms, others recognize the importance of such rules. After all, Pinterest is a company that needs to make money, and that money can only be made if Pinterest has a set of privacy regulations in place. In short, if you use Pinterest, you might want to take a look at the new privacy policy the company has posted today. Here are the details that you need to know about.
Your Pins – Not Your Property
First and foremost, you should be aware that anything you pin to your Pinterest account becomes the property of Pinterest. So, if you want to post that really cool photo you took on vacation, you should know that this photo might be used and sold by Pinterest to another company – that’s just the name of the game, and it’s also how Pinterest stays afloat, so don’t complain too much! Next, you should be aware that Pinterest will no longer tolerate offensive material.
Following in the footsteps of other companies like PayPal, Pinterest will now prevent anyone from pinning anything that is immoral, racially unjust, lewd, crewd, offensive, violent, harmful, or otherwise. Basically, you will have to be good and mind your manners when posting a pin on Pinterest or that pin will be removed (can you imagine if a company like Instagram took the moral high ground?). You can read the fully revised Pinterest Privacy Policy on the company’s website for additional information (and to find out what you can and can’t pin).
More From Pinterest Soon
In addition to posting a whole new privacy policy, Pinterest has told press that the company will be rolling out a few new apps soon. This news is not surprising, but what will be interesting is seeing just how Pinterest plans on generating revenue with the newly added apps. It will also be interesting to see if Pinterest still remains popular now that the new privacy policy is in tact. While it’s perfectly understandable that people who have been using Pinterest for months now would reject the company’s attempt at laying down the law, I have to wonder if these moves are within Pinterest’s best interests – might it be too late for the company to change the rules?
Still, Pinterest claims that the earlier privacy policy was a cookie-cutter policy derived by a startup that never intended to become so popular overnight. Now that Pinterest is playing with the big boys, the company has to define some terms or risk angering the Pinterest population further. Needless to say, there are some Pinterest users who might find these policies restrictive while other users will be happy that Pinterest has finally outlined what is an isn’t acceptable.