A new startup called PledgeCents wants to help bring money to schools. Which schools? All schools. As it stands, a lot of schools don't have enough funding for basic things like music and certain courses. PledgeCents is using the crowdfunding model to help these schools earn needed dollars. Here's how the startup works.
Using PledgeCents
The idea here is to get classrooms from across the United States to formulate fundraising ideas. From there, these classes, as a group, can create a website on the PledgeCents site. Once the site has been completed (there is space for photos, documents, and other bits of information), the pledge can be activated.
Once the project is activated, it works just like any other crowdfunding model. But, PledgeCents makes use of social media websites more than other crowdfunding models. Through social media outlets, a classroom's fundraising idea is spread. Since PledgeCents is Internet-based, any classroom fundraiser can be supported by the web community as a whole (instead of just a small community). Soon enough, a classroom will generate enough money to raise funds (hopefully).
As It Stands
Right now, there are a number of great classroom fundraisers on the PledgeCents site. You can comb through any of these to find the one that you want to support. From there, you can pledge any dollar amount (just look at the site setup). Backers do not gain anything from supporting a cause, but a bracelet can be purchase that shows your support for the site as a whole.
These bracelets are inexpensive, and are a great way to show that you support education. So far, classrooms that have used PledgeCents to gain funding are doing very well. It's easy to pledge, and easier to share a pledge on Facebook or any other social media platform. Really, the whole idea is a great one that's worthy of your dollars if you believe in education.
PledgeCents Is For Everyone
Know a classroom in need? Consider using this fundraising site. It's kind of like a massive bake sale without the goods. What you do get in return in the satisfaction of knowing that you've helped a classroom obtain simple things like pencils, a cubicle divider, and other objects that only require a bit of fundraising.
Most pledges on PledgeCents aren't of the thousand dollar sort. Many of these pledges are around the $500 mark, and that makes gaining funds a lot easier. PledgeCents is the first site of its kind to back schools. The site is doing well so far, and it is officially open for business.
Help Schools Out
Sometimes, it is not easy to help schools gain money. You might not be in the school loop, or you may not have a school near you that needs funding. PledgeCents makes it simple for people all around the world to back schools in need.
If you feel like doing a good deed today, head over to PledgeCents and see what this site is all about. You may just provide a child with something essential like paper or a pencil.