Sony has updated the PlayStation 3 numerous times. For those still rocking a PlayStation 3 original, Sony hasn’t made any great leaps big enough to make the switch. But, Sony has been claiming that this time the upgrades are different. This time, the PlayStation 3 Superslim is more than just a slimmer version of the same old PlayStation – kind of makes you wonder why Sony doesn’t just call this one the PS 4, doesn’t it? What’s really important, though, is how true those statements are. Is the new PS 3 Superslim really unique? Is it really worth switching to? With the PS 3 Superslim 250 GB already on the loose, here’s what Sony has done this time around.
Yes; It Really Is Slim
Sony isn’t lying. The PS 3 Superslim is slim. This version of the PS 3 has shed nearly seven pounds from the original PS 3. So, if you still have the original version, you may want to consider something much lighter. But, shedding weight isn’t always a good thing. In some cases – mostly when it comes to laptops – shedding weight means losing a few pieces of hardware. Has the PS 3 Superslim lost any of its important pieces?
The one change that’s most noticeable is the slot where CDs are inserted. Sony has opted for a retractable CD try this time around. The tray slides out, and a CD can be inserted. This might not seem like such a big deal, but the repositioning of the tray does make the console feel very different. Hardware-wise, the new Superslim comes with a 45mm Cell processor; 250GB HDD (in this version); RCA, Ethernet, HDMI, Optical Out, and basically everything that the Slim has. The real change here, then, is the way that the Superslim looks.
Is the Superslim Cheap or Just Modern?
Some reviewers – no, many reviewers – have criticized Sony for switching from a console that feels like its worth $300 to one that rattles, shakes, and comes in a glossy plastic coating. The design of the Superslim may not appeal to everyone. It’s a smaller console, it doesn’t have any heft or weight, and it is rather odd looking when placed next to today’s entertainment system devices. But, is Sony getting at something with the new slim design?
It seems as though Sony’s consoles keep getting smaller without really improving. Sure, the Superslim is compact, but that’s its only real selling point. You’ll still pay $300 for the console, like it or not. Should you discriminate against the Superslim because the thing looks and feels cheap? Maybe not. Everything about the Superslim is the same as it is with the Slim. So, you may want to upgrade if you still have an original PS3, but that upgrade could be to the Slim, which is more solidly built (and cheaper now).
Do keep in mind that the Slim and Superslim are not compatible with the PS2. This may be important to note if you are searching for compatibility (something Sony did away with when the Slim was created). You’ll have to toss those PS2 games if you upgrade to either the Slim or Superslim. On the plus side, the Superslim is thin and it is also very quite (aside from the rattling you’ll hear when you set the console down). Is the Superslim worth $270? Not unless you’re obsessed with size.