If you're planning on buying a Xbox One when the console launches on November 22nd, you'll want to keep reading. Yesterday, Microsoft announced the complete U.S. (and other) app lineup for the new One console.
The following apps will launch alongside the actual console:
Amazon Instant Video
Hulu Plus
FX Now
Fox Now
Redbox Instant
The NFL on Xbox One
Verizon FiOS TV
Univision Deportes
What You're Not Seeing
Notice that something is missing here? That's right, there's no YouTube app. That's because Microsoft is still working on the dedicated YouTube app deal. In addition to the Microsoft lineup that was announced yesterday, Sony has also let the world know what to expect with the PS4.
The only difference here is that the PS4 apps won't launch with the console - or, maybe they will. Sony hasn't attached an app release date to the upcoming and available PS4 apps. If you're looking to purchase a PS4, here are the apps that you'll find.
Upcoming PS4 Apps
Hulu Plus
Amazon Instant Video
NBA Game Time
Sony Music Unlimited
NHL GameCenter LIVE
Sony Video Unlimited
Redbox Instant
If this looks a lot like the PS3's lineup, that's because it is. Maybe the only difference here are the Sony apps. Otherwise, you're looking at roughly the same app availability that you had with the PS3. That's not to say that the PS3 app lineup was bad, but there's nothing terribly new to report.
Console Pricing and Availability
So, now that the shopping season has officially begun, you may be wondering when you can grab a console - and how much that grab is going to cost you.
Xbox One Release Date: November 22nd
Xbox One Price: $499
Sony PS4 Release Date: November 15th
Sony PS4 Price: $399
Will Sony gain the upper hand with an earlier release date and lower price? The Xbox One is almost $100 more than the PS4, and the Xbox One will launch 7 days before the Xbox One. It will come down to the type of games that each company releases, and whether or not you're loyal to one brand over the other.
Possible Game Titles
The PS4 and the Xbox One are neck-and-neck when it comes to the types of games that will be available for each console. You can expect all of the big names to be available for each console with some exclusivity offers.
PS4 Exclusive Games: Earth Defence Force, Drive Club, Dream Club, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Just Dance (newest version), and others.
Xbox One Exclusive Titles: Crimson Dragon, D4, Dead Rising 3, Fable Legends, and various others.
It's going to be a tough fight between Sony and Microsoft this November. Which console will win your money? Are you planning on buying one over the other? Why or why not? And, lastly, what do you think about the current app lineup?
I have my money on the PS4 this time around - you?