With the introduction of the iPhone 4S this past week, the world has once again gone iPhone crazy. The difference this time around is Siri: an artificial intelligence program that is causing quite a stir within the technical and non-technical world. So, why is Siri so intriguing? Siri is the first program of its kind that has been integrated into a smartphone.
To set the record straight, voice recognition programs are not new.
For quite some time now, a popular iPhone app called Dragon NaturallySpeaking was used by many iPhone enthusiasts. This app was one of the best voice recognition programs available. Dragon NaturallySpeaking was first introduced as an app in 2010. Not too long ago, Apple purchased Siri. Siri proved to be a worthwhile purchase, and Apple felt that Siri was developed enough to include the program in the new iPhone 4S. However, Siri is not perfect.
Apple Admits Siri’s Faults
Apple is still calling the voice integration program “Siri beta.” This name has been given to the program for good reason. As one might expect, Siri does have a few hang ups. The first one being that you have to hold your iPhone 4S to your ear if you want Siri to hear you while you are in a crowded space. This can be a problem if you are driving or attempting to multi-task. The other problem is that Siri can be unresponsive at times.
Yet, Siri is still one of the most amazing voice recognition programs available. Siri can send emails, call people, and it is capable of carrying on a somewhat intelligent conversation with users. Heck, Siri even has some very witty and somewhat sarcastic comebacks for various questions.
Some wonder, however, if Siri was really ready to unveil. As it stands, Siri can still feel like a work in progress. Then again, Siri is a remarkable program unlike anything that the world has ever seen before.
As such, Siri is worth the price that it will cost many to upgrade to the 4S.
In addition, Apple has promised 4S consumers that Siri will be upgraded continuously until the program is perfect. There’s no doubt that Apple will stand by this promise. Still, one can’t help but wonder whether or not it’s worth it to wait until Apple develops that much talked about, never seen, iPhone 5.
Might iPhone 5 Be Better?
If Siri pans out for Apple, you can bet that this program will be an integral part of the iPhone 5. That is, of course, if the iPhone 5 ever moves beyond a simple rumor. If Siri makes it past the first year, Apple may make Siri even better when the company includes this program in the iPhone 5’s makeup.
So, if you haven’t already purchased an iPhone 4S and you are considering doing so, you might want to wait awhile to see whether or not those iPhone 5 rumors pan out. It’s a safe bet that Siri will be much improved as users give Apple valuable feedback. Right now, Siri does have some problems that Apple appears to be working on.