Is there a shortage of iPhone cases? Never! But, I’m betting you haven’t seen an iPhone case like the SmartGuard case before. What makes this iPhone case different? Well, the fact that this case comes with your very own pepper spray has something to do with it. The masterminds behind this product are from a Swiss-based company called Piexon. The notion behind the smartphone case is that most iPhone users carry their smartphones everywhere, so why not carry something that can protect you too?
This seems like a logical enough idea, right? Well, if you live in a country where pepper spray (or the ownership of pepper spray) is permitted, you might want to purchase this new iPhone case. However, it is not legal to carry pepper spray in the U.S., so you’ll have to think of some other way to protect yourself if you live in the United States (mini crowbar attached to the side of your iPhone case? How about a miniature Louisville slugger that clips onto your iPhone?).
Another Possible Problem
As many iPhone users have found out, allowing any kind of liquid to seep into the crevices that surround your iPhone is a bad idea. Such a bad idea, in fact, that Apple won’t cover this kind of damage. So, what’s a SmartGuard user to do when that pepper spray heats up and begins to leak? I’m not sure that the makers behind the SmartGuard case thought of this notion prior to creating the case, but it’s definitely something to think about all the same.
Of course, you may also want to consider what might happen if your friends got ahold of your pepper spray case or if you drop the case accidentally (could the canister explode? This seems like a good possibility). In short, there are lots of reasons why the SmartGuard case is not really a great idea. However, there must be some kind of market for this case, since Piexon is selling the SmartGuard for over $30.
Other Strange iPhone Cases
As entrepreneurs attempt to innovate and come up with the latest and greatest iPhone case, consumers are left scratching their heads at some of the latest iPhone case inventions. If you’re wondering what some other strange iPhone cases look like (or do), here are some interesting cases for you to check out (aside from the one listed above!).
Luxmo Diamond iPhone Cases: if jewels and bling are your thing, you can’t go wrong with a Luxmo Diamond iPhone case. These cases have more jewels (faux) that any other case on the market.
Zaggmate iPhone Case: for practiciality, this case comes with a miniature keyboard that your iPhone attaches to. If you’re tired of that iPhone keyboard, check out this case.
As you can see, there are lots of iPhone cases out there to suit every kind of iPhone user. Whether you want a little pepper spray with your iPhone or whether you are just seeking some eye-hurting bling, your iPhone doesn’t have to look like all the rest.